I wonder what she saw when she looked into his little face for the first time. All those years filled with so many emotions: Love, anger, jealousy... finally bringing this moment of pure joy.
-all the prayers she had prayed
-the home remedies she took
-even, demanding a child from her husband. (who reminded her where babies actually come from) ...
And now she was complete. Her own little son, Joseph. The name she gave him means: "God will add". She was confident more blessings would follow.
Blessings DID follow. Joseph's childhood was filled with everything a little boy could want. His mother and father both doted on him, as older parents often do. They loved hearing his little stories and thoughts. Soon, more good news- another baby was on the way. Joseph would soon have a little brother.
Joseph: The Son
What a happy home Joseph enjoyed.
UNTIL... his mother died giving birth to his baby brother.
How Joseph grieved. Poor little motherless boy.
But it didn't take long before he settled into the role of favorite son. His father made him a special coat to symbolize his elevated status in the family. Then, the dreams came. Dreams that promised even greater things! What a wonderful life Joseph enjoyed!
Joseph: The Slave
UNTIL... his brothers tore off his coat, threw him in a well, and sold him!
As he walked along, probably handcuffed, probably behind a camel, he felt the hot sun on his back and tasted the dust. Why do bad things keep happening to this kid? Only 17 years old. No one likes him, really (except his dad). He has no friends. And now he is on his way to be sold as a slave.
UNTIL... he was falsely accused by his master's wife and thrown in jail!
This dungeon- his new home. Eating bread and drinking water. What a misery life had brought him. But if he was going to be a prisoner, he would be the best prisoner he could be. Soon he was serving the jailer.
One day he was bringing food to the other prisoners when, whom should he meet, but a couple of guys who used to work for the Pharoah himself! Joseph listened to their stories. He interpreted their dreams. He asked to be remembered, but they forgot.
He was still a prisoner. Forsaken, forgotten, alone...
Joseph: The Ruler
UNTIL... Pharoah himself had a dream and needed an interpreter! Joseph was remembered and called for.
God gave him the interpretation of Pharoah's dream. He became the second in command. Soon he was married and had two sons. Seven years of plenty followed and life was good.
UNTIL... A famine came. And who should walk in asking for grain, but his BROTHERS!!! The very ones who hated him and tried to kill him.
Joseph tested them. Eventually he shared with them his identity. He showed them his tender heart. He hugged them and cried. Then he said something that makes us stop and think.
All of those terrible things that happened to him -those moments so dark it seemed his life was over. -when people closest to him, abandoned him, rejected him, turned on him and forgot him- those exact circumstances were NECESARY! He was thankful for those tragedies. Because, if it hadn't been for those exact circumstances, Joseph would not have had the opportunity to save the lives of many people, including the very people who tried to destroy his life.
Now, when I hear someone's story- so filled with pain... and someone else whispers that maybe they deserved it somehow, maybe they have a lesson to learn, or maybe God is punishing them... I wonder if there is a different reason for all of the pain.
Maybe bad things happen because we live in a world that is broken - filled with broken people. Yet, God can use those EXACT moments that were meant to destroy us, to bring healing- not just healing for us, but healing for every person we come in contact with.
Genesis 50:20 KJV " thought evil against me; but God meant it unto save much people alive."
Choose life! The world needs more people like you!