Wednesday, March 5, 2025

My first Journey to the Holy Land: Entry #7 (the Oppressed)

 "Now that I understand why you are really here there are some things you need to see." my aunt said. (I didn't feel like I knew the real reason myself.) 

"You are a spy!" she smiled with a twinkle in her eyes. "No, that's not the word... reporter!"

Maybe that IS one of the reasons I am here. -not a news reporter. I can't possibly learn enough in just a few days... But I can share my perspective on what I see in the daily lives of Jews and Arabs who live this life every day.

The conversation started in my aunt's living room. -two young mothers, several children and "Bubbe" (Grandma in Yiddish) And, of course, me and my other aunt from America.

"I want to tell you that, in spite of what you might hear from the media, many Americans support you. Many are praying for you. I had friends, and even people I barely knew, contact me shortly after October 7th to ask how my relatives in Israel were doing." I had traveled nearly 7,000 miles to look in my loved one's eyes and tell them that my heart has been with them all of this time. 

"Tell me about what it was like, living here, on October 7th. How are you all doing, with the war and everything?"   I wasn't quite sure what to ask, but I wanted to open the conversation.

As they explained their experiences, I began to hear something I didn't expect, then one of the young mothers came right out and said it, "I really didn't know what was going on, and I still don't know very much about what happened on October 7th." Her babies played around her feet. And I realized that is how it should be. 

They followed the rules. They went in the bomb shelter when instructed to and came out when it was safe. They watched the jets and rockets and drones fly over. But mostly, they prayed and sang. They hugged their children close and read them stories of miracles. Life went on. After all, childhood is short. It is so important for little ones to feel safe and loved. These families don't have TV, smartphones, or anything like that in their home. The phones they have will sometimes ring with information on what is happening in the community, or prayer requests. But sometimes these mommies don't even answer those calls. It makes sense. 

Their town is surrounded by a security fence. A guard post is at the main entrance to town with a gate that can be shut if needed. A siren will alert everyone if they need to shelter. The children run and play. They go to school and come home. Everyone prays three times a day. They pray for rain, if it is dry. They pray for safety when they get on a bus. They pray for deliverance from those who want to destroy them. God answers those prayers! Oh, the many miracles that have happened because of the prayers of the righteous. Our hope cannot be in fences, or gates, or safe rooms- for those have and will fail. But our hope is in the Lord our God! He will save us! Yes, this town has a pretty powerful line of defense, but I can't show you a picture of it, because it is in the prayerful heart of the Bubbes and Mommies.

Observations in the House

They weren't so different from me, my Jewish cousins across the sea.

I walked into their home, and it felt like mine. A couch, tables, stove and fridge. She had yoghurt and cottage cheese in her fridge, just like me. She liked half and half in her coffee too. A bowl of fruit sat on the table, just like home. Baby toys were strewn across the floor- just like at my house, although her baby was her son and mine is a grandson. They are close to the same age, these baby boys who may never meet.

Bedrooms, bathroom and a laundry room- just like mine. Except, my house doesn't have a bomb room. The kids sleep in it. The adults listen for sirens in the night that instruct them to go to the bomb room. It's part of life, something that must be done. In another home I heard a young Grandma, called "Softa" (Grandma in Hebrew), instruct her toddler granddaughter to put something away in the "bomb room". Everyone has one, and even the youngest children know where it is. 

The thing about the bomb room is its purpose is to keep people safe from bombs- not home invasion. The door swings out, and the hinges are on the outside. The latch is not secure and there is no lock. 

So, since home invasions seem to be the new tactic of the enemy, people are putting bars and gates on the outside of their houses too.


Driving Through Israel

As we rode the bus from one town to another, my aunt would point out the different neighborhood, or towns.
"Those are Arab houses. See how they don't have anything over the windows, or even rails on the balconies?" I noticed. I noticed something else to. The Arabs lived free. Free from bars and gates and security points. It is not safe for the Jews to go into Arab towns. Some of the special places for Jews are controlled by Arabs. -the graves of the Patriarchs and Bethlehem are a couple of examples
But Arabs are free to go into any of the Jewish towns. They often work as construction workers. 

One day, an Arab man was doing a repair job for my cousin's neighbor. My cousin had stepped outside for a minute. When she walked back in, this strange man was standing in her kitchen. She got so scared. He just wandered in looking for something. He wasn't even repairing anything in her house. Evidently this is quite common. They don't tend to respect private property. And they are protected because they are considered minorities. Companies from janitorial businesses to hospitals must hire a certain percentage of Arabs. 

It feels wrong to write like this. My American brain has been wired to not put people in boxes! We don't judge people based on their ethnicity, or religion, or anything! Each individual person is judged on their own merit. Yet, here, on the other side of the world people are living in boxes. I don't know who put them there, or if it will always be so. But they need to be there, to survive. It seems wrong, but I don't know how it could be any other way. For when they come out of their boxes they get killed.

"It's always been like this." my aunt explained as she pointed to a Jewish apartment building. "Jews live together. It is safer that way."

Why must they? 
Why must they create these worlds where they can live?
Why do so many people not want them to live?
I don't understand. I never will. Especially not in just two weeks.

My American mind says to put the murderers behind bars, not the Orthodox Jews. But they don't seem to mind. And they don't seem afraid. They live the way they believe they should. They pray and study the Torah. Sometimes trials come to test their faith, but they handle those times as they always have. 
-all of the times that someone has risen up to destroy the Jewish people- 

I looked in my aunt's eyes. "I do NOT believe that the Jews deserve this! I don't believe it is a punishment. I believe the Bible is very clear that God has NOT forsaken His people. He loves the Jewish people very much." Her face softened. We don't have to be enemies- Jews and Christians. The Jewish people have enough enemies without us condemning them as well. We have a lot of things we disagree on, but the time and place for discussing those things is not now. Now is the time to show love and compassion. 

My Lord grew up here. He had an Ima. Did he have a Softa too? His family set the table for Shabbos. He ran these hills and touched these rocks. He learned all of the rules for living in this place. Where Jews were allowed to go, and where they couldn't. How could I not love this place he called home and these people he called his brothers and sisters?

The Shaare Zedek Hospital

"You need to see the hospital." my aunt instructed. And so, here we were, sitting in the main lobby, watching people walk past. -a coffee shop, a little gift shop with newborn things- "Can you tell who is Arab and who is Jewish?" I had only been in Israel two days! As the people passed us by I mumbled responses: "Arab?" (he didn't have a kippah) "No, I think he is Jewish, just not religious." she answered. "It's hard to tell. We are cousins you know."

So, that was the lesson? That they are very similar? 

She led us into the labor and delivery area. "We could never do that in America!" Aunt Anita and I told her. Everyone is scared someone will steal the babies.

Jewish and Arab women labored next to each other. It was hard to tell which one was which. Sometimes, if a mother is a radical Muslim, and she gives birth to a son, she will exclaim that Allah has given her a son, may he grow up to be a terrorist and kill Jews. The Jewish mothers next to her give no mind to her rapture. Her cousin, in the bed next to hers... 

The nurses and doctors are also sometimes Arab and sometimes Jewish. Sometimes they are radical Muslim. (Again, what I am about to say is super hard to write. It goes so much against my western way of thinking.) If a Jewish doctor, or nurse, cares for an Arab patient, they, more often than not, treat them with dignity and gentleness. When a radical Muslim nurse, or doctor cares for a Jewish patient, they watch for ways to compromise that person's health. (It feels so wrong to write that!) But story after story confirm it happens with regularity. In fact, I came home to a news story telling about radical Muslim nurses, in Australia, who bragged about being responsible for the deaths of their Israeli patients.

How can such a world exist?

I sat in the foyer of the hospital and watched the people go by. Two women wearing hijab excitedly picked out baby outfits in the overpriced hospital giftshop. They didn't seem to be the least bit oppressed, as they paid for their items. 

And there on the reader board, for everyone to see, all of the important information was written in three languages: First, Arabic. Then, Hebrew. And, finally, English. 
Why is Arabic first? Wasn't I in Jerusalem, Israel? 

But I am taught not to judge. In my country everyone is equal. Mothers all want what is best for their babies. No one wants their child to grow up to oppress other people. 
I don't understand.

We run out into the dark, rainy night to catch a train home. My aunt guides us to the correct station. I can't tell the difference this time, as we maneuver through the towns to the one my aunt calls home. The one with the guard station, the fence, the bars on the windows and a little box on the doorpost called a mezuzah. She kisses it as she leads us into their cheery home. "Bubbe!" the little ones shout.  "You're Home!"

I look at the smiling faces of the two little girls, knowing they were triplets. "The healthiest, strongest one is the one who died." my cousin explained. She told about the nurse who had come in the night before the baby died. She was a Muslim. Was she an extremist? No one knows what happened. -why she suddenly died the next day. And no one can say anything because there is no proof. Besides, we must be kind to them and give them a chance. Those poor oppressed Muslims. 

(Of course, not ALL Arabs are terrorists, or Muslims.)


Thursday, February 20, 2025

My first Journey to the Holy Land: Entry #6

 "Sit by the window, Sarah." my Aunt Anita smiled as we boarded the plane for Tel Aviv. I remembered my husband's advice to let her spoil me. 

I stared out the window, trying to identify the islands in the Mediterranean Sea. I had studied maps of this region since I was a kid, but never imagined that I would see it, in person. We were fed a sampler of Mediterranean food. I heard other passengers speaking in Hebrew. Soon the coastline of Israel came into view. "Look!" I invited my aunt. Golden and pink hues shone through the clouds. "I don't think my camera will pick up the color." I told her. "Let's just enjoy this moment." 

I thought Tel Aviv was near the coast, but we flew for quite a while over land. I saw hills and valleys, cities and villages. I drank in the view, wondering what it would feel like to stand on the ground in Israel and what adventures awaited me. "It's not so different from my home." I thought. Houses and trees. Rocks and hills. 

"I can't believe I'm here!" I whispered to my aunt. Many of my friends and family members have visited, some for months, or even years. Some of my relatives were born in Israel, and a few are buried there. I loved listening to stories of their adventures. It was enough for me to experience the Holy Land second hand. I didn't need this trip. I wanted to go to support my aunts. -to show my cousins that we haven't forgotten them, especially in this time of war.


The flight attendants served us something sweet as the airplane swept over the rocky terrain. This is the land where so many Bible stories took place. Maybe David watched his sheep on that hill, maybe Jesus and his disciples camped over there... I remembered what a Jewish woman in the airport said, "Everyone wants to come to Israel." I wasn't sure how she felt about that, but I felt like I understood. Everyone wants to come to America too, yet, paradoxically, everyone also seems to be very critical of us. Why is that? Would I be looked at as a typical American tourist, in this land full of people?

Soon we were landing- tired and jet-lagged. 

We meandered through the airport, following the other passengers. And then we came around a corner and I saw them- the posters of faces all too familiar. My heart ached. The dear hostages, including the faces of those two little red-headed baby boys and their mother. Toys surrounded their pictures. [Today, as I write this, we now know they will never play with those toys.] I stopped for a moment to pray for them and their families. "Look!" Aunt Anita said as she pointed up above the entranceway. "It says, "Welcome to Israel in Arabic, Hebrew and English!" This was a lot for me to take in. "I can't believe we are really here!" Was I dreaming, or was this real?

The line was long to get through customs. Finally, we got our luggage and found the place Aunt Sheryl said we should meet. I recognized her right away. She does look like Grandma! We hugged and then she helped us get bus passes. She led us from train to bus and from here to there all over Israel -it seemed. It was late at night, yet perfectly safe to wander the streets of Tel Aviv and then Jerusalem. A girl ran up to us excitedly, seeing our suitcases, and said something in Hebrew. Aunt Sheryl wasn't sure what she said, but I'm pretty sure she was welcoming us to Israel. It felt good to be welcomed. I wasn't a foreigner, I was family. Aunt Deb told me that is how it would be and that I should walk the streets with confidence. So, I did! "...the mother of us all..." words from my great-grandmother's song ran through my head. 

That's exactly what it felt like: -going to my mother's house. Where my roots are. No matter how many other places we may call home, or how old we get, our mother's house is still home too. We can relax and be ourselves. We are loved just the way we are. And Mother always has something to give us. "Are you hungry?" she asks. 

Somehow, even though I was weary from travel, I didn't feel hungry or thirsty. "Here, eat something. Have something warm to drink." Aunt Sheryl said when we got to her house. And we did- her little sister, and niece. We let her take care of us. She was the first one in Israel to show us this maternal love. Somehow this house, that looked so different than mine, didn't feel foreign at all- it felt like home.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

My first Journey to the Holy Land: Entry #5

 I'm sitting in the Dulles airport.

I was so very nervous about check-in. It's probably the part of the trip that I have been the most worried about. Aunt Anita said I could tell you the story- I guess it does make a good story...:

Aunt Anita was only 10 years old when I was born. 

They lived close to us, and she remembers that day so clearly. 

She peaked through the nursery window at the hospital to see her first of many nieces.

 "She looks like her Daddy!" little Anita announced.

My grandma scolded her, "Oh, you're just repeating what you heard someone else say!" 

It was funny, because it really doesn't sound like something she would say.

Anita was one of my babysitters. I was her real-life doll.

I guess I will always be her little niece, Because...

 when she sat down to buy the tickets for this trip, she confidently wrote: Sarah Lemley.

BUT, in case you didn't already think of this, my name changed a quarter of a century ago!

She, in fact, is not being accompanied by "Sarah Lemley". πŸ˜… 

I've gained a few more titles since that warm day when I became Anita's niece! 

And one of those titles came with a new name! 

The problem is, my ID has my NEW NAME!

I called the airlines, and they said to bring a copy of my marriage license.

Boy was I nervous though.

Aunt Anita bought us these little fanny packs, so all of our important paperwork is handy.

It worked!

I have my boarding pass, which says I am, in fact, Sarah Lemley, but I'm trusting they know what they are doing and these pieces of paper will get me through to what my grandma called: "The Holy Land" 

So, yes, everything went well. One of the people at the ticket counter said Israel is his favorite country! 

I forgot I had earplugs in my shirt pocket. One of the security guards kept asking me to empty my pockets... "anything else" Finally, a young lady security guard came forward and asked, "What is in your shirt pocket?" They were kind and professional about it all though and we got through everything so quickly that we have two whole hours to rest before boarding the flight to Frankfurt! 

Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. 

I had a hard time sleeping last night. I was so excited and terribly nervous all at the same time but decided to just let myself rest until 10:00 am eastern time (which is only 7:00 am my time). It's good we have a late afternoon flight.

Many people have called and texted me with encouraging messages.

One thing I have heard a lot is something along the lines of: "Things might not go as planned but be thankful in EVERYTHING! God will lead you."

Somehow this makes me feel assured. Things never really go exactly as planned. Knowing that GOD has a plan is the best feeling ever. 

It reminds me of what Moses said in Exodus 33:15

"If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here. (Ex. 33:15 NASB)

Friday, January 31, 2025

My first Journey to the Holy Land: Entry #4


Here is what I wrote on the airplane, oblivious to ... never mind, I said I wasn't going to talk about that (plane crashes)...

Sometimes it is hard, and even seems wrong, to choose JOY. Interesting. Joy is one of the things I was writing about Wednesday, January 29, 2025:

And that's where I stopped. It was time to put things away and get ready to land. I was rambling anyway... Let's see if this is readable. I hope I don't have to retype everything. I'm just glad the notebook still had what I wrote, even though I didn't have my laptop connected to WIFI.

My first Journey to the Holy Land: Entry #3

I started to write this on the airplane on the way to DC on Wednesday, but after the horrific news I didn't feel like finishing it. Whatever I may have to chat about seems.... vain. That old word from KJV seems to fit perfectly with what I have been feeling the last couple of days. Everyone knows the news today, but, if someone happens to read this in the future, they might not know... [There have been 2 deadly airplane crashes this week.]

But let's not talk about that right now.  It IS in the forefront of my mind, and it seems cold to say this... but I can't let it steal my joy or make me afraid. 

So, here is what I wanted to tell you...

Let me tell you about this little Bible that I am bringing in my carry-on bag:

About 45 years ago, my grandma went to Israel to visit her mother. I never met my great-grandma, Effie Dugger. My grandma, Orabelle Youngs, had about 6 or7 grandkids by this time. I guess she bought us all little Bibles. She asked her Mama to sign each one. 

This one is mine. A beautiful, mother-of-pearl Bible. It says, "Jerusalem" on the front and has maps and pictures of the Holy Land inside. I loved this little Bible, but I was very young and have never been careful with things. I immediately added my signature to it, proud that I knew how to write my full name. 
My mom wisely put it up for a few years, and now, I am bringing it with me on my trip to Israel. Maybe I will visit my great-grandma's grave in a few days and read a Psalm from the Bible she signed all those years ago.

This isn't what I wrote on the plane though. I am trying to keep these short and interesting, so I will end here with a verse Effie loved:
 "But Jerusalem, which is above is free, which is the mother of us all." Galatians 4:26 

Monday, January 27, 2025

My first Journey to the Holy Land: Entry #2

 I'm signing in on my phone today. -just checking to see if I can write and post blog posts on my phone, so I don't have to bring my laptop.

It's hard to know how to prepare for a trip like this. I've never been overseas before. -doin' my research and following ALL the advice from everyone!

It's weird to think I will be in a foreign country next week at this time. 

I hope my chickens will still be alive when I get home... 🏑 

Aunt Sheryl sent an email explaining what to do if a siren goes off and making sure we have insurance. I have no idea how I will react to frequent visits to the bomb shelter. Will I panic? If I think about it logically, statistically speaking very few civilians have been killed over there. There have been more murders in Kelso/Longview (towns near me) this past month than there have been in Jerusalem, and Jerusalem is a MUCH bigger city! That doesn't really make me feel better.

The verse I read this morning:

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand " (Psalm 37: 23-24 KJV)

Aunt Sheryl said to recite Psalms when the siren goes off. The WORD is my weapon! 

... let's see if I can add pictures and post this from my phone!

...well, I can't figure it out... I'll post this and try again tomorrow 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

My first Journey to the Holy Land: Entry #1

 Today, is Sunday, January 26, 2025.

It is a cold, beautiful day here in my neck of the woods. The sky is clear, and the sun is warm- at least between about 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. We have had a mild winter, so far...

But I didn't sit down to talk about life on my mountain. Today, I begin a new story. Not one from the scriptures, or history, but a story that has not been written yet, and begins:  TODAY!


Sorry to spring it on you guys like this. I half-expected the trip would get cancelled. But here it is, almost the end of January, and the flights (United and Lufthansa) to Israel have resumed!

In exactly one week, yes, just seven days, from right now, if God wills and things go smoothly... I will be πŸ›¬flying over the Atlantic Ocean, heading for Israel.

Why do I say my journey starts today?

Well, today it finally sunk in that this is really happening! 

I have friends and relatives all over the world.

My parents, siblings and my daughter have traveled to many exciting places, but I am content right here in my old, little house far away from... well, anything really. I remember the first time I followed my future husband up the Kalama River Road. I kept admiring the beauty of this place, and somehow, I knew I was coming home. Why would I ever want to leave?

I enjoy seeing pictures of faraway places and hearing stories from people who have traveled the world. But, when they say, "You should come with us next time!" I laugh and answer, "Ya, that'd be fun." But I don't really mean it. I mean: "Oh, no. Not me. I have too much to do, right here. I can't leave. I don't want to leave. I'll be the one you come home to and share all of your stories. Someone needs to be that person!"

Well, one of my many aunts had it on her heart to visit her sister, who moved to Israel two generations ago. She invited me to join her on this adventure. She has been many places. But I have never stepped off of this great mass of land called the Americas. Why should I?

Well, if there is one person in the whole world who could convince me to venture away from my home-country, it would be her. How could I say no?! Besides, neither one of us are getting any younger.

Of course, being a storyteller at heart, I must record this once-in-a-lifetime adventure and share it with you all. I'm sure parts of my story will be silly as I awkwardly maneuver my way through new experiences. Go ahead and roll your eyes and laugh! You know, I will be laughing too! And, unlike my straight-forward brother, I will absolutely be writing between the lines! πŸ˜‚

I don't know how often I will be able to write while I am away, but my pencil and paper will be close at all times.

A few, random things you might like to know: (that I hesitate to share, but... hey, why not? I mean, how many people really read this blog anyway? 😏)

#1- I'm bringing Adam's peanut butter and blackberry jelly. (I knew you would want to know)

#2- I'm super excited to meet an Arab Christian lady who is a longtime, close friend of my mom's cousins. I'm planning on visiting her on the 9th. I have so much to learn.

#3- I'm bringing Mt. Saint Helen's ash to show my cousin's grandkids! Is that silly?

#4- My Aunt Tzirel converted to Judaism many years ago. It's probably been about 35 years since I have seen her. I'm very much looking forward to celebrating Shabbat with her! You all know how dear the Sabbath is to me. I'm sure it will be a touching and meaningful experience.

#5- One of my cousins is a homeschool Mama, like me, and we get to spend time at her house! I've never met her. I think she lives near, what I call the Sea of Galilee (I'm not sure if it is still called that..). That is the area that I am especially interested in visiting. Hopefully, we will get to visit the Jordan River too! I can't believe I might actually dip my feet in that river I have read so much about! I know it's just water, but maybe I will scoop up a tiny bit to bring home. Is that legal? I can't believe this is really happening!

#6- I'm digging out my skirts and long-sleeved shirts for this trip. I'll be dressing like I did as a homeschooler in the 80's! IYKYK Should I braid my hair in one long French braid too? (But I plan to wear pants on the airplane!) 

#7- I'm curious what it will feel like to step onto Israeli soil for the first time.

#8- I don't know what else, but I wanted to have eight... so, yeah. Oh, I know! "Todah rabah" is "thank you" in Hebrew. I want to remember that, and use it often.

So, please remember us in your prayers.

 If you have suggestions on what I should bring from the Pacific Northwest, or what I should do n Israel, let me know.

We leave DC area February 2cnd and come home on the 18th. If I don't write during our trip, I'm sure I will have a lot to write about when I get home.

I leave PDX in 3 days!

I Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise..."