Guys! I just have to share something new I discovered when reading Ezekiel 47. I was listening to a song about us being like trees that are growing next to living waters. -not a new concept. Then, I opened my Bible and began to read Ezekiel 47. I love this vision as well as the parallel prophecy in Revelation 22!
Ezekiel has been seeing a very detailed vision of the temple of God. An angel is giving him a very thorough tour. They are measuring the walls and the doors. Chapters go by. I'm not exactly sure why all of this detail is important, but I do believe that every word is there for a reason. Chapter 47 is so amazing and picturesque! The angel takes Ezekiel back to the door of the temple. Water is flowing out from underneath the temple. It seems to be coming from the altar. Ezekiel wets his feet in the water. They walk downstream exactly 1,000 cubits (everything is exact in this vision). Again Ezekiel walked across the stream. The water covered his ankles. They measured exactly 1,000 cubits farther and the water came to his knees. They continued until the water was a wide river that was DEEP and WIDE! He swam a bit, but couldn't cross.
Then, the angel brought him back to the bank. He had something else to show Ezekiel, TREES!!! Many trees were green and growing and bearing all kinds of fruit! They grew on both sides of the river.
He looked downstream and noticed that the river had reached the Dead Sea. But, it wasn't called the Dead Sea anymore. The waters had healed the Sea. Now fish were swimming in the area that was once dead! Wherever the waters came they brought life! To the dead, barren places new life was springing. All kinds of fish swam in the waters. Fishermen lined the banks.
Then, Ezekiel looked back at those trees, so green and fruitful. I smiled as I remembered Revelation 22's description of the tree of life. The leaves are for the healing of the nations, for medicine. We use leaves for healing and helping us feel better when we are sick. I am so looking forward to rubbing those Tree of Life leaves on all those bumps and bruises I have from living in this broken world.
Now, I really don't want to confuse anyone by what I am going to say next. You see the Bible is so awesome! I remember my Grandma telling me that Bible prophecies are often fulfilled more than once. First, it was for the people at that time. But, many of them also pointed to when Christ would come to earth; our lives now; and, of course, eternity!
Personally, I love poetic language and mysterious visions in scripture. It doesn't bother me if I don't understand it all. Someday I will see Jesus and will have all of eternity for Him to explain it to me. So, for now, I sit and read and ponder and let the word wash over me.
But, this time, it didn't just wash over me. I took a big gulp! Another strange verse with beautiful words popped into my head. John 7:30 says that "living waters" will flow out of our bellies! The Bible also teaches that we are supposed to "bear fruit". What does Psalm 1:3 talk about? Suddenly my mind was getting filled with verse after verse. WE should bear fruit! OUR bodies are the temple! WE should bring forth living waters. OUR prayers are like incense. WE bring the SACRIFICE of praise.
Maybe this passage meant something very literal in Ezekiel's day. Most likely, this passage is speaking of eternity, when all will be healed. But, today this passage opened my eyes to a new concept.
You see, I have always known we are to bear fruit, but I never thought about the leaves. I always looked forward to that living water flowing, but I forgot that we are HIS vessels and that deep and wide river flows out of US to the world around us.
Out of us (the temple of the Holy Ghost- I Corinthians 6:19) flows this living water (the Holy Spirit- John 7:30). Wherever the water flows, it brings life. It brings life to the desert, the wilderness, the barren lands.
We are like trees! Our roots go down deep into that living water and we bear many kinds of fruit (Galatians 5:22) and many leaves. We should bring life to the area where God has planted us. We are to bring healing to the broken, hurting people near us.
Suddenly this passage isn't just about something for me to one day receive. It is a lifestyle for me to live, right now. I'm not sure what this looks like practically, but my desire is to be like Jesus and grow fruitful in Him wherever He plants me.
As springtime comes, may God bless you with a fruitful year, spiritually as well as physically!