Near the end of Kings and Chronicles is a story about a little boy. You probably have heard of him. Josiah. The Kings of Israel and Judah had been moving farther and farther away from God. Some had made compromises and some had outright rebelled against God. They had been killing their own children and encouraging immoral behavior and idol worship. But, one day Judah anointed an eight-year-old boy King.
This little boy was eager to learn. A big portion of his studies was to study the kings before him. His favorite king was David. David was Josiah's ancestor. As a little boy, he probably got excited hearing all the battle stories. But, when he got to be about 16 he started digging deeper. He asked his scribe to find everything he could about David. He learned about David's sins and shortcomings, and that he was so very human. He learned about David's heart toward God and God's love for him. He, no doubt, noticed the consequences of sin in David's life. Maybe he went to David's grave and wondered what it would be like to meet him. But, in II Chronicles 34: 3 it says he went beyond learning about David. He began to seek David's God.
Who was this God who delivered David out of the hand of the lion, bear, giant and so many other trials and tribulations?
He searched. He asked everyone he met.
When he was about 20 he started cleaning up the place. Idols were torn down. Groves were cut down. But, the question still remained: "Who is the God of David and what does He expect of us?" It was time to clean the temple! The idol his Grandpa set up in the temple had been removed, but the place was in need of some serious work. Hilkiah was the high priest at that time. He was busy coordinating the repairs.
One day Hilkiah asked for a meeting with Josiah's scribe. A man named, Shaphan.
"I found a book while we were cleaning," Hilkiah said. "It is the law of Moses."
Shaphan took the book and went to King Josiah, who was in his mid-twenties by this time. He had been seeking after God for a decade already.
"Everything is going good in the repairs of the temple," Shaphan reported. "The workmen have been paid, and everything you said has been done. Also, they found a book..."
When he held out the book I imagine the king getting teary-eyed. He probably knew what it was immediately. He asked Shaphan to carefully unwrap it. Any other activities of the day were canceled. Josiah was about to get some answers!
Shaphan began to read and Josiah listen intently to every word. The "Law of Moses". He heard about Mt. Sinai and Moses's encounters with the Most High God! He heard about all the complaining and outright rebellion by so many of his people. He listened to the lists of dos and don'ts. As he did his head bowed lower and lower. They were not a righteous nation. They had done what God said not to do. They had not done what God said to do. They had mistreated the land and their fellow humans. They had ignored God, or put him in a little box.
"If you do these things you will be blessed!" God had said. "If you don't, you will lose your land, bad things will happen."
As Shaphan finished reading he heard the sound of tearing cloth. King Josiah tore his clothes! "God is very angry with us!" he admitted. "We have sinned." He had a meeting with some men he knew he could trust: Hilkiah the Priest, Shaphan, and his son Ahikam and a couple other guys.
"Go, ask God what He wants us to do!"
Even Shaphan's kids were given scrolls to read. Everyone poured over the law. The more they learned, the more trouble they realized they were in. How could they find out what God wanted them to do now? Were there any prophets at this time? Did anyone know of any prophets of God? Anyone?
Well, there was a woman... [ya, really. Even in this story! I can't believe all the women I am finding] Her name was Huldah. She was married to a guy who worked in the King's wardrobe. (Had this couple been praying as they laundered and sewed and folded the King's clothes?) Huldah worked in the college in Jerusalem, and there they found her. All these really important guys who had important jobs came to ask a woman for a word from God. And, guess what? No one in the story seemed to hesitate at all. She was the one who had a special connection with God, so they ran to find her!
"Tell the MAN who sent you..." she began. Yep. Josiah was right they WERE in BIG trouble! All those curses he had just heard were definitely about to happen. She listed specific evil things the people had done. They knew they deserved it.
But then she paused. Her voice softened. "But, tell the KING... the King who is searching for God with all his heart. The King who humbled himself before God and His word. The King who sent you to ask. Tell him God is so pleased with him! God heard the cry of his heart. God saw his tenderness before Him. God saw him tear his clothes and repent. God will hold off punishment and Josiah will not have to see any of it!"
"I have heard you!" God said to Josiah. And Josiah was blessed.
A great revival came about during this period in History. The greatest Passover celebration since the time of Samuel. People were hungry for God and He blessed them.
There were others who were seeking God and trying to live right during this time. How do I know? Because I see their fruit. Another little boy! Maybe it was Ahikam, the son of the scribe who fathered him. Maybe it was Josiah himself. But, during this time of revival, or shortly after, a baby was born to parents whose eyes were wide open.
What did they tell him? Did they teach him to read as early as they could? Did his mother pray over him and sing to him when he was at her breast hoping maybe he would remember some of these words? Did they pray three times a day? Did they have him memorize large portions of scripture? Did they hide scrolls in his bags when King Nebuchadnezzar came to take their son away? Were they killed never knowing what would become of their son?
Josiah died knowing hard times were coming. But, did he know, that because of his faithfulness in searching and seeking and teaching, another little boy would have the tools he would need to stay strong in a foreign land and face his own giants and even lions?
I guess you know by now I am referring to Daniel. The man whom God called, "Greatly Beloved!" Daniel 10:19
May God give all of us Mama's and Daddy's wisdom as we teach our children and give them the tools they may need in the not so distant future. May these opinionated, strong-willed kids, not be afraid to speak the truth and stand for what is right, even if they are the only one standing!
And, on this election day may we remember that Rulers and Kingdoms may rise and fall, but our God and His word are everlasting.