Sunday, December 5, 2021

War Stories and Little Boys

Reading the Bible is very different with my son than it was with the girls. I used to skim through, or even skip the war stories. But, those are his favorites. We are in 2 Chronicles now.

As I have been "forced" to examine these battles in more detail...

"Now tell me the story again, in your own words, please Mommy."

 "What did they do?! Can you read that part again?"

"This is the best one yet!!!"

I am noticing things I never really thought about before I had a little boy sharing his perspective with me. Here are three examples. Let me know your thoughts:

1- The King, or other leaders at that time, was/were always expected to ask God before he/they went to battle.

It didn't matter if this battle was similar to the one yesterday, or last year. They must ask God IF he wanted them to fight.

I never really thought about that before. If I have an "enemy" in my life, I usually presume God is angry with me for letting it "live" as long as I have and I should work as hard as I can to get it out of my life quickly. I don't think I ever stopped and asked, "God, Do you want me to fight this battle right now? Am I going to win?" like the "good kings" did.

2- Nearly every battle required a unique strategy.

Sometimes it was waiting, or singing. Sometimes it was using just a few soldiers, Sometimes it was a sneak attack. Sometimes it was even surrendering!

Just because a certain strategy has worked for me in the past doesn't mean it will always be the battle plan. I need to lay my current struggle before the Lord and ask Him how he wants me to combat the problem.

3- Very often it was said that the enemy was coming against the God of Israel.

There were a lot of reasons for battles, of course. Often was came because the people had turned away from God. 

Sin can definitely bring us into battles we should never have to fight. But, maybe, sometimes, we are doing the right things. Living in peace and harmony with our Creator and those around us. Suddenly, the Enemy comes against us! Might it be correct to say that the Enemy is actually coming against God? A mountain of angels armies and chariots of fire are ready to defend us! In these battles we can say with authority that God is on our side, so no one can stand against us! 

I had a hard time writing this. Is it true? Why do I so often believe that it is my fault that I am being attacked? That I somehow deserve this war that is raging. That this is "my" battle. Instead of the battle belonging to the Lord!

Have I been allowing the Enemy to walk all over me while I suffer like I deserve it? Am I really going to let him talk about my God that way?! Remind me, next time, to run toward that old giant with confidence! I am a child of the King of Kings and have every right to live in my home and harvest the fruit of my labor without anyone stealing away from me what God had blessed me with. God will defend us. Just like I would defend my child if something was attacking him.

If God is on our side, who can stand against us?

I wonder where we would be spiritually right now if we fought our battles like a little boy with a slingshot!


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Little Known Bible Stories #6: Dem Bones

 This story is by request! :)

I guess most people know about Elisha.

In case you get them confused, Elisha was after Elijah.

Remember, Elijah is the one who was carried into heaven by a chariot of FIRE!! (II Kings 2)

Elisha learned as much as he could from Elijah before he was carried away. He asked for a double portion of the Holy Spirit that was on Elijah. God performed many miracles through Elisha. 

But, one day, even this mighty man of God got sick. His body was suffering from a sickness. King Joash, of Israel, came to visit Elisha on his death bed. Joash cried when he saw how sickly and frail the mighty man of God was. 

"Oh, my father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof." King Joash famously cried.

Elisha had a conversation with King Joash and not long afterward he passed away. The country mourned Elisha and buried him in a sepulcher.

Elisha's body hadn't been in the ground quite a year when trouble came upon Israel. The Moabites were on the warpath! These were people of the wilderness. Bands of Moabite men would often tear through the countryside seeking to steal, kill and destroy anything they could get their hands on.

About this time a small funeral procession carried a man out to the graveyard. They were preparing to bury him when they saw a familiar plume of dust on the horizon! They knew what that meant. A band of Moabites was headed their way! Quickly, they decided to drop him into the closest sepulcher and high tail it out of there. 

The sepulcher happened to be Elisha's.

 They lowered the body down as quickly as they could.

"A little lower... almost there." 

"I don't think the Moabites see us yet... hurry..."

" Okay, he's down..."

"Hey, guys! Don't leave me down here!" their friend's voice came out of the hole.


Well, evidently, as soon as the corpse touched Elisha's bones, he revived and stood on his feet! 

2 Kings 13:21 A whole story in just one verse, but what a story! I wish I knew more.

His friends must have been in quite a state of panic. 

And the poor guy who had died... 

and then revived...

only to be told he better run for his life because the Moabites were headed their way! 


What kind of man Elisha must have been that the power of God was still pulsing through his bones a year after his death!

Elisha's God still lives today.

The power of God is still moving and miracles are still happening.

Sometimes even great prophets die.

But, sometimes, 

                                            when we least expect it, 

                                                                                            miracles happen too!


Help me not get so overcome by the fear surrounding me that I miss seeing your power working right under my feet! You are awesome and mighty and powerful! And, I need YOU!!

written by: Sarah Whitney

Saturday, October 16, 2021

When Nothing Helps

She must have felt hopeless, depressed, and maybe even like her life was meaningless. 

She had tried so many remedies. -spent all of her money on doctors and therapies that didn't work.

Yet, as Mark says everything she tried made the problem worse. Broken promise after broken promise. Friends and family getting her hopes up that this new doctor will help, or this new treatment will work. Only to dash her hopes. Only for her pain to be worse, her fainting spells more frequent, her bleeding heavier. 

And then they left. I mean, I presume they did. Gradually it was easier just not to be around her. Not to hear her, or see her. It was too painful to watch. And, besides, they had to be careful so they wouldn't catch whatever it was she had. They needed to be safe and clean. She understood. In a way, it was a relief. She was tired of hearing their suggestions. Had she heard about the new doctor or the newly discovered medicine? Or, the treatment facility? All the voices still rang in her head. She was tired of listening. Tired of trying. Tired, dare I say, of living? 

For 12 years she, no doubt, slept in a separate bed from her husband. Isolated in her own home. Not allowed to be in crowds. 12 years that she was alive, yet not living. She had missed weddings and funerals. She had eaten Passover alone and watched children building the sukkah from a distance. 

But, one day, she quit listening to all those voices around her and inside of her. She broke the rules. She left her house. She walked right into the crowd. 

"The Master is busy!" people said.

"It is an emergency! A little girl is dying!"

But, she didn't hear. It isn't that she didn't care, but, she thought that maybe she could reach out and touch the hem of his garment. The tzitzit hanging from the edge of His tallit. Each one representing a law. The laws she loved and followed. The laws that promised good things to those who obeyed. 

"If I touch His clothes I will be well!" she told herself. And, she was!

She got up. Walked right through that crowd. Touched the hem of his garment and felt something. She knew she had been healed.

Jesus knew it too. 

And he stopped.

He asked his disciples who had touched Him, but they didn't know. They were busy trying to keep Jesus from getting trampled. They were trying to keep everything on schedule. They were trying to help Jesus get to a sick little girl who was the daughter of someone important. They hadn't noticed the woman, they just saw a mob, a throng. 

They hadn't seen her.

But, Jesus saw her. He looked right at her.

"Daughter, your faith has made you whole; go in peace and be whole of your plague," Jesus said.

Her faith! Her faith in Jesus! Her faith that He could and would heal her.

And then, Matthew, Mark, and Luke go back to talking about Jarius' daughter. The crowd moves on. But, the woman is free! From that very hour, she never had an 'issue' with her 'plague' anymore! She went home in peace! Shalom! 

And, her family and friends rejoiced with her! She forgave them because she knew they were only trying to help. How do I know? Because forgiveness and healing go hand-in-hand. 

When she got off the couch and left her house and reached out for Jesus, He heard, he saw, he healed! 

 How often do we blame our friends and family who are advising us, or our doctors or counselors or pastors? How often do we spend our hard-earned money on all kinds of things that are supposed to "help"? And all the while Jesus is right outside our door. All we have to do is reach out and touch the Living Word of God. 

Lord, Help me to have Faith and Hope like this woman had. But, even more, help me to have Love. For Love conquers all!

PS- I know it doesn't say her friends and family treated her that way, but it does seem to be a reoccurring pattern in stories of others in the human family, so I presume her experience was similar. Besides, it appears she was by herself in the crowd.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The Best Day Ever

By Sarah Whitney 

This evening I stood outside and blew a long blast on my shofar. My father-in-law peaked out of his door and called to me with an amused look on his face, wondering what his silly daughter-in-law was up to now. 

"Happy Feast of Trumpets!" I hollered.

"What?!" he answered.

I just smiled and waved. He waved back and went back inside with a confused smile on his face. I guess he is used to my strange antics. Maybe I will explain it to him tomorrow- again!

Trumpets~  Every month, on the first day of the month, the ancient Israelites blew a trumpet to mark the beginning of a new moon or month. 

But, this month, the 7th month on the Hebrew calendar, the trumpet blast means more than just a new month. Everything from Passover on was leading up to this month. 

Agriculturally, the fall harvest is winding down. Most crops have been harvested. The last grapes and apples are being juiced. The nights are starting to feel chilly and the leaves on the trees in my yard are starting to turn colors. 

Historically, in Leviticus chapter 23, we are told to celebrate the beginning of this month with a trumpet sound as a memorial. But, it isn't super clear what exactly we are to be remembering. Some say it is the anniversary of Creation. Nehemiah 8 tells us we should be joyful and "eat the fat and drink the sweet" and send food to those who haven't prepared anything. 

All of that sounds great, but none of that is what I was picturing as I blew on my shofar today.

 Exodus 19:16-19 talks about a trumpet blowing from heaven. Moses, and the children of Israel, had left Egypt just a couple months prior to this. It was still springtime. The ten commandments are given in the next chapter, but something amazing happens first. -before the giving of the law! The mountain begins to quake and smoke is everywhere and there is a very loud trumpet sound and fire and... GOD! HE actually spoke and everyone heard it! And then, Moses, old 80-year-old Moses, ANSWERED! All the other people were shaking in their sandals and backing away and maybe even running to their tents in fear. But, Moses walked right up that shaking, smoking, on fire mountain. Right towards the voice and the trumpet sound and DEATH!!! Well, no. Actually, he didn't die! How, even? 

I would have been scared. I would have been scared of the earthquake and thunder and loud noise. And, if I was in Nehemiah's day, I would have been sad. The people were sad because they had just learned that God's judgment was about to fall on their nation because they had rejected Him for so many generations. But, Nehemiah told them to be joyful because this was a Holy Day and: "the joy of the Lord is our strength".  Joy? How could they be joyful and why should they be? But, they listened. They had their day of mourning later, but the beginning of the 7th month is the sweetest day of the year, so they rejoiced in God.

I was having a hard time today. Disappointments, bad news, crazy things going on in our nation and the world. -feeling like Judgement Day is right around the corner. But, I dipped my sour apples in sweet honey and blew on my shofar as hard as I could. I went outside and watched the darkness fall with a couple of friends on a group chat. As it got darker I caught the faintest glimpse of a tiny sliver of a moon beginning to slip behind the hill. I shrieked with joy. I felt kind of silly being so excited to catch a glimpse of it before it disappeared for the night. Grandpa would have been confused at what I was doing, again. But, someday he will understand.

You see, today is about so much more than Creation, or loud noises, or even milk and honey. I guess you probably know trumpets are talked about in the new testament also. In I Corinthians 15:51-58 and I Thessalonians 4:13-18 Paul explains to us that we don't need to be discouraged or depressed when faced with death. We can have hope knowing that there will be another trumpet sounding from heaven. This "last trump" will be so loud that the dead will rise! And, yes, it will mean judgment is coming on the world. But, we shouldn't be sad. God isn't mad at His children. He is moving heaven and earth to be near us! He is changing us so that we can walk, even fly, right up to Him. 

Shall we read more about this trumpet? Revelation tells us about 7 trumpets. When the 7th trumpet sounds there are voices and thunders and an earthquake and hail. But, we don't need to be afraid of any of it. Because that loud sound will be the sound of our Creator taking back the Earth He made. It will be our Savior defending His people! 

The beauty of this moment that is coming cannot be appreciated with our carnal minds. All we know is what we can experience with our 5 senses. This is why, during this practice round, we get to use all 5! 

We taste the creamy goodness of dairy products, juice, fruit, and sweet golden honey.

We see the beautiful fall colors starting. -the purple grapes and the rosy apples.

We feel the smooth shofar, the refreshing breeze.

We smell the smells of harvest and the musky smell of the shofar.

We hear the blast of the trumpet here on earth and we listen to the quiet of heaven. waiting... hoping to hear the sound, the voice, that will announce an end to our suffering. And, the beginning of something so beautiful and joyful, that we can't even imagine. Something that will blow our 5 senses away! Something so sweet, honey will seem bitter. So loud, the shofar will seem like a whisper. A harvest, not of grapes, or apples, but people who have chosen LIFE, JOY, and HOPE!!

It will be the happiest day of all time!

So, tonight, as I blew my shofar I closed my eyes and imagined being in the clouds with my LORD and I felt joy bubbling in my soul. So much is going on that I don't understand. But, one thing I do know. I am my beloved's and He is mine. 

Are you looking forward to the best day ever too? 

If not, He is only a prayer away. You know what to do! ;) 

Friday, June 11, 2021

The Elephant

"Creative people don't have messes, just ideas lying around." someone once said. 

I'm not sure if that is true, or not, or if I would be considered "creative". I definitely know my house is messier than when I started cleaning earlier today. 

Piles of books and boxes of books and some stacked neatly on the shelf. Which ones should I give away? Which ones are ready for the trash? And, which ones should I read? 

But, I wasn't really thinking about the books. Something else was going on inside of me today... well, it has been for a while. 

growing... developing ...

    -which is why I stayed close to home today. Why I needed a little quiet. Why nothing really seemed to get finished. Why I forgot to eat breakfast. 

It's those crazy ideas floating around and I am waiting for them to settle into some semblance of order. 

It isn't the "elephant in the room" I want to write about tonight (though I might end up doing so before I finish). 

It is kind of a story, maybe... But, this is a story that I am not very familiar with. I haven't looked up the verses yet, but I know they are there. They have been popping to the surface of my thoughts for weeks, though never spoken. Something Luke said, something John said, an answer Jesus gave.

Do you want to know why I haven't looked them up? Why I haven't said them out loud?


I'm scared that this storyline will change me. Some of my fundamental beliefs. Maybe it will convict me about attitudes I have deep within myself and how I interact with people.

Do you want to join me?

Okay, here goes:

We are going to the New Testament. 

Luke 9:37-50. 

They are just little verses, but I can hear myself saying the words.

"Jesus, there were some people using your name to do great things, but, they weren't with us, so we told them to stop!"

That was the right thing to do, right? 

You're proud of me, right?

Some say John was closely connected with the "church" of his day. Maybe he was related to some of the scribes and Pharisees. 

There was a discussion going on about who was the "greatest disciple" of Jesus. Jesus set them all straight by calling for one of the little children in the group and telling them the famous teaching about the first being last and the last being first and being humble, like a child... ya, but AFTER that, SOMEONE was still just a bit confused: ✋ 

    Umm, Jesus. I know that we are all supposed to be humble and serve each other and encourage each other. That makes sense. We should be kind. I get that. I really do love my brothers and sisters. And, the kids! Of course, I love the little ones! So precious! I'm sorry I told them You didn't have time for them that one day, but, really, they are great kids. I just thought you might need a break. I mean, sometimes I need a break, and some of them are my relatives!

    And, I really was listening when you talked about the prodigal son and the good Samaritan. Very convicting and powerful stories that I will always remember.

    But, you also told us to be very cautious when it comes to the spiritual leaders of our day. Some of them just don't have their hearts in the right place. So much pride and selfishness! I sure don't want to hang around those guys too much.

 So, I know you don't really mean it when you say you love us all the same, because I know you really do love us best because... well, I mean, I don't want to sound prideful or anything, but... WE listen to YOU. I mean, YOU hand-picked US! We are your top 12! You have taught us so much! I know we don't get everything right, but we try really hard. We sleep under the stars with you. We've given up our livelihood and left so much for YOU! It is great! I want more.


I'm still kind of confused.

Remember, the other day, when you were busy and someone came with their little kid who was suffering so badly from a demon? We did exactly what you told us to do! And, ...I don't even want to talk about it. It was really bad. You said we needed more faith and maybe we should fast. It was super humiliating. I don't understand why it didn't work.

Well, I don't want to point fingers or anything, and I'm sure you are well aware of what is going on. But, SOME GUYS that we don't even know, are going around casting out demons in YOUR name! 

WE are your disciples! 

We are the ones called by YOUR name!

You have been training us all this time and it has been so intense! I'm definitely not complaining, but, these guys haven't done any of those things you asked us to do! 

So, I'm sure you will be glad to know we told them to STOP! That was the right thing to do, right? They shouldn't be using your name. You didn't call them. They weren't one of us.

I can picture Jesus giving them the same look I give my kids when they say something outlandish. 

Ummm, NO! That actually is NOT what I said to do! I was not proud of the children who excitedly told me they painted the dog with glowsticks and Jesus was NOT proud of his disciples for telling "strangers" to quit using Jesus's name to deliver people!

And this is the part I struggle with. It is very clear and I shouldn't be confused by it at all. But, Jesus said, "Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us."

Ya' That part 👆

You probably don't think that is a big deal at all. I mean it is pretty obvious. Probably why it isn't one of the main Bible stories. Nothing to see here. John the disciple was a bit misguided, but Jesus set him straight.

But, it speaks to me. 

Because I have said the same thing. 

Maybe not out loud, but I have quietly asked Jesus the same thing. 

Why do You let them use Your name like that? Did you see them acting all crazy? Did you see those people who were praying? They aren't one of US. They don't understand things the way we do. I won't say anything, but, maybe You should send someone to set them straight, it is kind of embarrassing! 

I have had amazing experiences with Jesus! He has healed me miraculously! I have always loved collecting modern-day miracles. I believe in the power of God and that He is working and active in our lives today. 

But, my experiences don't look like theirs. 

Another thing, Jesus, didn't you say that there will be people at the end who expect to get to attend your wedding feast who you say you don't know? And, they will say that they did many miracles in your name? What about that? Sometimes people do miracles in Your name and they don't really know you.

But, somehow, I feel like I am missing a connection. 

So I turn to Mark 9, praying for God to send the Holy Spirit to help me understand what I am reading. But, it seems more confusing the more "context" I get. Near the end of the chapter we are removing body parts! Oh, dear! But, it ends with, "Have salt in yourselves, and have peace with one another." 

Okay, the peace part I can understand. I think.

Maybe my place is to serve Jesus and obey Him in what He has told ME to do. It might not look exactly like someone else. God is the judge and He is perfectly capable of defending Himself and His name, which He will do!

My job?

Love God and love people! 

Not be jealous or prideful or condemning. 

Jesus knows who are His people. 

The interesting thing is that Mark and Luke say John is the one who told Jesus he had asked this outsider to stop. So, why doesn't John share the story in his account of his time with Jesus?

Maybe for the same reason that I don't want to share my "elephant in the room". It is something close to my heart that I am still pondering and wondering if I understand yet what Jesus is trying to teach me.

My eldest child is leaving soon to go to Youth With A Mission for a six-month training and missions trip. God has really opened doors for this trip! We can see Him leading and guiding every step of the way and I know it will be a great experience for her.

But, part of me is scared. Part of me wants to do this right. Part of me wonders what people will say. I can hear them already... or maybe that is my voice: We have a missions program in our church too. Why not go help serve there? Our family has been invited to Kenya, but we haven't been able to go yet. Wouldn't it make more sense for her to go serve with people we already know, or have connections with? Our people? 

But, I hear the little whisper in my heart saying:

Forbid not!

Forbid not the little children

Forbid not the stranger

So, I won't forbid. I will try not to be afraid of something that doesn't look like what I am used to. I will trust God who is big enough to take care of even the smallest detail and knows exactly what He is doing. 

And, even if I never understand. That's okay too, because I am only human and God is GOD!