Sunday, December 5, 2021

War Stories and Little Boys

Reading the Bible is very different with my son than it was with the girls. I used to skim through, or even skip the war stories. But, those are his favorites. We are in 2 Chronicles now.

As I have been "forced" to examine these battles in more detail...

"Now tell me the story again, in your own words, please Mommy."

 "What did they do?! Can you read that part again?"

"This is the best one yet!!!"

I am noticing things I never really thought about before I had a little boy sharing his perspective with me. Here are three examples. Let me know your thoughts:

1- The King, or other leaders at that time, was/were always expected to ask God before he/they went to battle.

It didn't matter if this battle was similar to the one yesterday, or last year. They must ask God IF he wanted them to fight.

I never really thought about that before. If I have an "enemy" in my life, I usually presume God is angry with me for letting it "live" as long as I have and I should work as hard as I can to get it out of my life quickly. I don't think I ever stopped and asked, "God, Do you want me to fight this battle right now? Am I going to win?" like the "good kings" did.

2- Nearly every battle required a unique strategy.

Sometimes it was waiting, or singing. Sometimes it was using just a few soldiers, Sometimes it was a sneak attack. Sometimes it was even surrendering!

Just because a certain strategy has worked for me in the past doesn't mean it will always be the battle plan. I need to lay my current struggle before the Lord and ask Him how he wants me to combat the problem.

3- Very often it was said that the enemy was coming against the God of Israel.

There were a lot of reasons for battles, of course. Often was came because the people had turned away from God. 

Sin can definitely bring us into battles we should never have to fight. But, maybe, sometimes, we are doing the right things. Living in peace and harmony with our Creator and those around us. Suddenly, the Enemy comes against us! Might it be correct to say that the Enemy is actually coming against God? A mountain of angels armies and chariots of fire are ready to defend us! In these battles we can say with authority that God is on our side, so no one can stand against us! 

I had a hard time writing this. Is it true? Why do I so often believe that it is my fault that I am being attacked? That I somehow deserve this war that is raging. That this is "my" battle. Instead of the battle belonging to the Lord!

Have I been allowing the Enemy to walk all over me while I suffer like I deserve it? Am I really going to let him talk about my God that way?! Remind me, next time, to run toward that old giant with confidence! I am a child of the King of Kings and have every right to live in my home and harvest the fruit of my labor without anyone stealing away from me what God had blessed me with. God will defend us. Just like I would defend my child if something was attacking him.

If God is on our side, who can stand against us?

I wonder where we would be spiritually right now if we fought our battles like a little boy with a slingshot!