Thursday, March 9, 2023

How we Observe Purim at our House

 Purim is a sweet little holiday that looks back to yet another time in history when a villain attempted to annihilate the Jewish people. God sent someone to deliver His people in an unexpected way. The origins of this holiday are, as you probably know, described in the biblical book of Esther.

This is the Holiday that we celebrate the least often.

The first time we celebrated Purim was with our homeschool group. We bought this wonderful book titled:

A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays by Robin Sampson & Linda Pierce

It is a nice thick book filled with activities, fun ideas, and extended learning references. Homeschool Moms love thick books full of great learning ideas!

My girls were little at that time and loved to dress up as princesses and bake cookies. We watched VeggieTales: Esther; dressed in ruffles and lace and ate sugar and spice and everything nice!

One of our friends showed up with a color-themed basket. Her kids were dressed up as characters from the Esther story. The girls loved the basket. They found fresh fruit, home-baked goodies, and a lovely card signed by each of their little friends. It was so sweet. The opposite of Halloween.

Somehow I didn't realize this was part of the celebration, giving gifts. Even though it literally says, in the Bible, that they sent gifts and food to each other to celebrate still being alive! I just thought my friend was really smart.

Now that none of my kids are little, we don't dress up. We fix up goody bags for a few of our friends and deliver them on Purim. It is best if they aren't home. We try to not let our right hand see what our left hand is doing!

Some years we Moms have fasted. It is a fast in remembrance of the fast Esther and her people did before she went before the king. 

We read the book of Esther around Purim time. It seems like we learn something new each year. But we don't have a fancy party like some people do. I guess I'm just not big on parties.

I hope you enjoyed this view inside our home! Stay tuned for posts about how we observe other feast days!

If you decide to celebrate Purim this year, or ever, may you never lose sight of Jesus in the middle of it all!

May God bless you and your family!

Please comment on what your family does to celebrate Purim!

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