Sunday, January 26, 2025

My first Journey to the Holy Land: Entry #1

 Today, is Sunday, January 26, 2025.

It is a cold, beautiful day here in my neck of the woods. The sky is clear, and the sun is warm- at least between about 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. We have had a mild winter, so far...

But I didn't sit down to talk about life on my mountain. Today, I begin a new story. Not one from the scriptures, or history, but a story that has not been written yet, and begins:  TODAY!


Sorry to spring it on you guys like this. I half-expected the trip would get cancelled. But here it is, almost the end of January, and the flights (United and Lufthansa) to Israel have resumed!

In exactly one week, yes, just seven days, from right now, if God wills and things go smoothly... I will be 🛬flying over the Atlantic Ocean, heading for Israel.

Why do I say my journey starts today?

Well, today it finally sunk in that this is really happening! 

I have friends and relatives all over the world.

My parents, siblings and my daughter have traveled to many exciting places, but I am content right here in my old, little house far away from... well, anything really. I remember the first time I followed my future husband up the Kalama River Road. I kept admiring the beauty of this place, and somehow, I knew I was coming home. Why would I ever want to leave?

I enjoy seeing pictures of faraway places and hearing stories from people who have traveled the world. But, when they say, "You should come with us next time!" I laugh and answer, "Ya, that'd be fun." But I don't really mean it. I mean: "Oh, no. Not me. I have too much to do, right here. I can't leave. I don't want to leave. I'll be the one you come home to and share all of your stories. Someone needs to be that person!"

Well, one of my many aunts had it on her heart to visit her sister, who moved to Israel two generations ago. She invited me to join her on this adventure. She has been many places. But I have never stepped off of this great mass of land called the Americas. Why should I?

Well, if there is one person in the whole world who could convince me to venture away from my home-country, it would be her. How could I say no?! Besides, neither one of us are getting any younger.

Of course, being a storyteller at heart, I must record this once-in-a-lifetime adventure and share it with you all. I'm sure parts of my story will be silly as I awkwardly maneuver my way through new experiences. Go ahead and roll your eyes and laugh! You know, I will be laughing too! And, unlike my straight-forward brother, I will absolutely be writing between the lines! 😂

I don't know how often I will be able to write while I am away, but my pencil and paper will be close at all times.

A few, random things you might like to know: (that I hesitate to share, but... hey, why not? I mean, how many people really read this blog anyway? 😏)

#1- I'm bringing Adam's peanut butter and blackberry jelly. (I knew you would want to know)

#2- I'm super excited to meet an Arab Christian lady who is a longtime, close friend of my mom's cousins. I'm planning on visiting her on the 9th. I have so much to learn.

#3- I'm bringing Mt. Saint Helen's ash to show my cousin's grandkids! Is that silly?

#4- My Aunt Tzirel converted to Judaism many years ago. It's probably been about 35 years since I have seen her. I'm very much looking forward to celebrating Shabbat with her! You all know how dear the Sabbath is to me. I'm sure it will be a touching and meaningful experience.

#5- One of my cousins is a homeschool Mama, like me, and we get to spend time at her house! I've never met her. I think she lives near, what I call the Sea of Galilee (I'm not sure if it is still called that..). That is the area that I am especially interested in visiting. Hopefully, we will get to visit the Jordan River too! I can't believe I might actually dip my feet in that river I have read so much about! I know it's just water, but maybe I will scoop up a tiny bit to bring home. Is that legal? I can't believe this is really happening!

#6- I'm digging out my skirts and long-sleeved shirts for this trip. I'll be dressing like I did as a homeschooler in the 80's! IYKYK Should I braid my hair in one long French braid too? (But I plan to wear pants on the airplane!) 

#7- I'm curious what it will feel like to step onto Israeli soil for the first time.

#8- I don't know what else, but I wanted to have eight... so, yeah. Oh, I know! "Todah rabah" is "thank you" in Hebrew. I want to remember that, and use it often.

So, please remember us in your prayers.

 If you have suggestions on what I should bring from the Pacific Northwest, or what I should do n Israel, let me know.

We leave DC area February 2cnd and come home on the 18th. If I don't write during our trip, I'm sure I will have a lot to write about when I get home.

I leave PDX in 3 days!

I Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise..."

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