Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Our Visit to the Creation Museum


I have been procrastinating on this for way too long! I even thought maybe I would just write another story instead, but I know some of you want to hear about our visit to the Creation Museum in Kentucky. I want to tell all about it, really I do, but there are so many thoughts jumbled around in my head I'm not sure where to begin. So, I guess I will start... in the MIDDLE!!

I stood in the middle of the museum.

Somehow the crowd had dispersed and I was alone.

My brain quieted. Suddenly. I realized I wasn't on the Pacific Coast anymore. Here I was, in the Bible belt. My week began at the Ark Encounter, then a wonderful Convention with like-minded believers in Jesus, and now I was here, at the Creation Museum. 

I didn't think I needed to come.

But, maybe the reason why I came was exactly why it was built.

I didn't realize I had been on the defensive for the past few years. -constantly alert 

Researching, studying... (there is a not-so-subtle agenda) -trying to figure out what is good and what isn't. Constantly aware of my surroundings, watching everyone around me (we live in an area known for human trafficking). -keeping one ear open when the TV is on in the other room:

"Did you hear that?" 

"Well, THAT isn't true!"

"Did you hear what they did there? Do you see the message they are sending?"

Yes, Mom. 

We know. 

We see.

My kids have seen and heard more than I ever imagined. (And, we are HOMESCHOOLED!)

But here, in this little spot, far away in the hills of Kentucky, I felt my body relax, or maybe I became aware that I already was relaxed. 

-so relaxed that I wasn't even sure where my kid was. I knew he was with friends, somewhere in this building. I knew he was exploring and hopefully reading and learning. But, I also felt confident that no one here would harm him: Physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. 

I could let him roam freely and not worry about his safety at all.

That week I was tired. I'm always tired on vacation. I don't sleep well away from home. But, I realized that everywhere I had gone this week, every seminar or workshop, every tourist attraction, every late-night conversation, had been good. Good!

I wondered just how long it had been since I had been able to say that about a place. I mean, there were hard things. Sad moments. But, even those times seemed to bring about something that was good. Like when people from many backgrounds came together to pray for a sister with cancer.

It was really good.

Often, when we watch a show, or visit a tourist attraction, I say: "It was good, EXCEPT, I don't know why they had to put in that one word, or show that scene."

My mind ran through the halls and side rooms again, the ones I had just been in. It traveled backwards through the meetings and all the way back to Monday and the Ark. And, then I realized why this place existed, and why it was so important that the Ark Encounter be built.

The hardness that I had somehow developed to survive this cold, deceptive world that I live in, melted.

 And, I walked back through again:

    The beauty of the garden. The harmony of nature.  

    When everything was VERY GOOD!

    The freedom to decide for ourselves. The choice, our choice, to turn away from God's Word. -to not believe the only One who is Good.

    The darkness. The pain. The suffering.

    The one family who still listened. When everything around them was chaos. The preaching to mockers. Walking into the Ark with only eight people. The rescue from that evil world.

    -God's Word being preserved through time

    -God's people through time

    -the preciousness of life

    -walking through the life exhibit with my dear aunt who has fought for life for herself, her child, and many others


    -Life. Good. Beauty.

If you don't believe, that's okay. If places like this make you angry, (places that believe the Bible is true.) don't go. It was built for me and my kids. A place we can go that speaks our language. Where the Bible is the highest authority- on any subject. A place we can breath, smile, nod and laugh. I guess even Christians are allowed to have fun!

Soon my group found me and we all sat at a table in the café. "Look!" my cousin pointed to the center of the table. "Made with cedar from Lebanon". I remember hearing that a wise man, long ago used those trees. They were the best. Only the best was good enough for the building he was building. God didn't ask for a temple "made with hands". But, Solomon spared no expense. He built it with reverence and humbly asked for God to fill that place. And, God did! Could humility and reverence for God and His Word been Ken Ham's motivation? 

After that we went outside to the beautiful botanical gardens. The walking bridges were fun to walk on. There were many different kinds of bridges and lots of beautiful ponds and flowers. There were also animals and another awesome playground. But, we didn't have time to play there. We had run out of time and new adventures awaited.

Somehow my perspective of the world changed and I realized how much God loves this world and how much He loves us. And, because of that, I will try a little harder to love this world He Created for us and all the beautiful, unique people He created in His image! But, most of all, I will remember that, no matter how dark and evil this world may get, God has a plan and someday it will again be VERY GOOD!

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