Sunday, May 14, 2023

3 Important Plants for Beginning Foragers to Avoid

The last time I wrote about plants I wrote about three edible plants for beginners. If you are feeling the urge to go out and nibble weeds, you must also educate yourself on what to avoid. Today I am going to tell you about 3 common, yet poisonous plants: Buttercup, Yew, and the infamous, deadly Hemlock (Hint: It is NOT a tree!)


One of the things I love the most about living in the country is the wildflowers. When I first moved out here I was a newlywed. We had our own little house with our very own, empty flowerbeds. I excitedly requested buttercup starts from a neighbor and planted them right next to our doorstep. I have always loved buttercups and thought they would be a lovely addition to our yard. My husband wasn't as pleased as I thought he would be, and now, 22 years later, I understand why. I have come to realize that buttercups are not as innocent as their name and appearance suggest.

Those delicate, shiny petals look so inviting, but, dear one, they are oh so deceptive. If the horrible taste doesn't convince you to spit it out, you will soon be rewarded with painful blisters on your tongue, and, if swallowed, pain throughout your digestive system.

If you decide to eat more than a nibble you probably won't die. But, you may wish you were dead instead of laying in a hospital bed experiencing unpleasant symptoms and procedures.

Yeah, the sweet little buttercup is not a friend when it comes to looking for sustenance. 


Next comes the beautiful Yew. This small, evergreen was quite possibly growing in your grandparents' front yard. It has attractive red berries that many children grow up nibbling, oblivious to the harm they are protected from by not chewing their food. Most children will either spit out the seed or swallow it whole, which is fine. If they were to chew a few seeds, needles, or even bark (kids do strange things sometimes), they would start feeling nauseous and may experience changes in their heart rate. 

Yew wood is said to be the most poisonous wood of any tree. The needles are poisonous also, but it would take eating a couple handfuls of pokey needles to kill a person. 

In spite of the toxicity of this tree, it is rare for someone to die by eating Yew. 

There are many edible berries and also many large evergreen trees whose needles and even inner bark CAN be eaten. 

So, please, remember: Don't Chew Yew!


The third plant is poison hemlock. It still exists and is just as deadly as it was 1,000 years ago. It has spread to many regions of our beautiful world. 

Poison hemlock is a plant, not a tree. There is a tree with the word hemlock in the name. It is not poisonous.

This plant is why I have yet to forage any plant that resembles parsley or carrot, no matter how much it looks or smells like the plants in my garden. 

It has a round stem, splattered with red blotches as if to warn any passerby of its intent. The foliage is feathery and lush, kind of like a carrot. The flowers are lacey and delicate like Queen Anne's Lace. Do not touch. Steer clear. This beautiful plant is deceptive and cruel. I don't think I need to go into detail about the harm it can cause. 

Hemlock used to be a rare plant but now grows all over Europe, North America, and even parts of Asia. Why anyone introduced it to the Americas I have no idea, but it has spread to every state as of this writing. 😡

I believe there is a purpose for every created thing, so I am sure there must be a reason for each one of these plants. But, the purpose is most definitely not for human consumption! 

If you plan on foraging for edibles, please make sure you have thoroughly researched the plants on your property. If you aren't absolutely sure of a plant's identification, steer clear of it! There are plants that can give you rashes, or even kill you. 

I purposely am not sharing pictures of the plants that I am discussing. My hope is that you will do your own research! Buy a plant identification book for your area, or find someone local who can point out edible plants.

Even plants that are not poisonous can seem that way if you are allergic to them. So, always proceed with caution when you are exploring.

Have fun in the sun exploring God's creation! 😄

1 comment:

  1. this is great! definitely I will explore! i like the part you said, "If you decide to eat more than a nibble you probably won't die. But, you may wish you were dead instead of laying in a hospital bed experiencing unpleasant symptoms and procedures."
