Sunday, December 15, 2024

Four Sisters

 Once there were four sisters: Hands, Mouth, Eyes and Feet.

Hands was very busy. She cooked and cleaned. She bought and sold. She was very giving to everyone around her. If something needed done- anything at all- Hands was there to do it.

Mouth was, of course, always talking. She loved to hang out with Hands. She would taste the food she made and encourage her in whatever she did. She was the one to announce when dinner was done, or that no one should go into the kitchen because Hands was busy and not to be disturbed.

Eyes was quiet and still. Her best friend was a dear little soul named: Heart. Eyes wouldn't DO much of anything, but no one seemed to be bothered by that fact. The other sisters would often seek her out. "What do you see Eyes?" Mouth would ask. Eyes would show her a mess that needed cleaning, or a friend who needed help, or maybe a guest who needed help bringing in their luggage. And mouth would happily announce to everyone what Eyes had seen. 

Feet never wanted to stay in one place. "Let's GOOOO!" she often said, dragging her sisters along. "We shouldn't just stay home. Other people need our help too. There are many places to wander. Many new sites to explore. What good is being able to cook, if you only feed those closest to you? What good is it to have a beautiful message, or song, if only your sisters are listening? What good is it to notice only what is in your little corner?" Sometimes she ran so quickly that: Eyes could not see what was around her; Mouth didn't get a chance to chat with anyone; and Hands wasn't able to complete anything satisfactorily. 

One day the sisters got together to chat. Feet was skipping around the room like a little fawn. "Oh, dear little Feet," the sisters said. "We cannot keep up with you. We have jobs to do as well as you. -not everything can be done on the run!" 

Feet didn't want to listen. (Besides, that was brother Ears job.) She continued to skip around. Little Heart (who always seemed to be around, though rarely seen) got excited! Soon Eyes, Mouth and even Hands, joined in the fun. It WAS fun just to play, and it was great exercise for everyone. But suddenly Eyes saw something, and told Mouth, who announced to everyone: "Mom's home!"

"Oh no." they all said and stopped their play.  

Their chores were not done. 

Mom came in and smiled at her rosy-cheeked daughters. 

"It looks like you are having fun!"

"Yes, Mama, but we didn't get our chores done." Mouth confessed.

"It's okay." Mama said. "It's hard to get anything done without Brain here to tell us what to do."

So, right there, in that messy living room, the four sisters stopped their play and knelt down to pray. "God, what do you want us to do today?" they asked. 

Hands folded. Mouth was quiet. Eyes didn't peek. Even Feet stood still to wait for the answer (though I think her toes were still wiggling - just a bit).

That ended up being the best day ever!

                        ....and I think we all know why!

Monday, December 9, 2024

The Righteous Man Whose Soul was Vexed

 Maybe you have experienced it too.

You find yourself in a place, surrounded by people who are the opposite of honest and trustworthy.

You are for peace, but they are for war.

They laugh at evil and trick others into joining them in their riotous ways.

"Riotous" behavior is opposite of "Righteous" behavior.

People compare modern cities to Sodom and Gomorrah, but I don't know of any place on earth as selfish, pleasure-seeking and cruel as the people in those cities where Lot and his family lived. None of us are without sin. -to a certain extent, we all live for ourselves. But these people lacked any feeling of care for their fellowman. Cruel and heartless! -not just a few people, but everyone in the whole area!

They laughed at Lot when he tried to warn them. "Who are you to judge us?" (Gen. 10:9) the men accused Lot. "You aren't even from around here!"

Ugh. -the outsider. -speaking a different language than the majority around hm. -when he speaks up, they say he is judging them. When he warns his sons-in-law, they laugh. Silly old man! What's he talking about?! Everything is fine. 

Did they honestly think that they were right? -these men of Sodom? Did they believe Lot was bad and they were good?

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, to see things from their viewpoint. But theirs is a very disturbing view. I can't wrap my mind around it. The idea that tourists are fresh meat. Visitors to town are ripped from their beds and gang raped. Who does that?! 

So, Lot sat behind closed, locked doors.

Peter said that Lot's righteous soul was vexed.

 We have never experienced anything close to what Lot suffered. But I think we have all gotten a little taste of it. It's wearying, exhausting, discouraging. We try to explain our point of view, but everything we say just makes it worse. It's not that we feel more righteous than other people. We just prefer to live dull lives. It didn't take much to be more righteous than the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah. God said He would spare the cities if He could find ten righteous people - He couldn't. 

It's okay to not be amused by cruel jokes and behaviors. It's okay to be kind to people others look down on. It's okay to feel sick and angry when you see someone hurting themselves, or someone else. It's okay to say no to dangerous habits that other people enjoy. You really don't have to fit in with all of the other people in Sodom and Gomorrah. 

Some people may feel threatened by your kindness and ridicule you. Some may mock and accuse you -trying to trip you up or find fault. (It's never hard to find fault with fallible humans. We ALL have short comings.)

But listen, don't feel like you have to stay there. Lot was scared to move to the mountains! He begged the angels to let him stay in a small, nearby city. I've often wondered what was up there in those hills that was so scary. If I was Lot, I think I would have left for the hills years before the angels' visit.

 So, if your soul is vexed too, maybe a visit to the mountains will refresh you and remind you that "wild" is sometimes healthier than "civilized." 

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Sparing Ninevah

 He knew God.

    -knew that He was kind.

That's why he didn't want to go. 

Ninevah deserved the worst. They deserved punishment. The city was filled with wickedness. The opposite of a God-fearing nation. -evil and violent. A bully of a nation. Strong and powerful. 

Wouldn't it be great to sit and watch them finally get what was coming to them?

Vengeance belongs to the Lord! Do it God! Give them what they've been asking for!

He knew they would listen and be sorry - for a while. They would cry. -make promises...


God would give them another chance.

Which means: The bullies would get another chance to destroy the world!

Why did they love violence so much?

Give them a taste of their own medicine! 

Maybe, if he didn't warn them, they would be caught off-guard. No time to repent. 

So, he left. As far away from Ninevah as he could get. 

He ran.

He hid.

He ignored.

But God didn't see things the way Jonah saw them. God saw people who were ignorant and vulnerable.

He knew they weren't on top of the world -like everyone seemed to think they were. They were just humans, like you and me, and Jonah. People who could only see things one way and thought that they were in the right. People who had never stopped to think about what was right, or wrong; left, or right. 

How could it be possible for such a strong, powerful group of people to not know the difference between right and left? Surely some of them knew.

"Oh, they KNOW what they are doing is WRONG!"

 Suddenly, it is not Jonah talking, but me, and Ninevah is not the subject.

Do something, God! I will sit here and watch while you take them down.

But HE was done talking.

He was done when he said there were a lot of cows there.

What a strange way to end a conversation. 

I wasn't done.

This couldn't be right.

So, I sat and sulked in the sun, next to my wilted vine.

MY vine?

Why, yes, it was MINE!

I DESERVED shelter from the wind and shade from the sun! All of nature blesses those who are good. 

I looked, in disgust, at the city sprawled out before me. The sights, sounds and even smells violated my senses. 

Go home, Jonah!

Go back to your understanding of how the world should work.

If YOU were God, Jonah, the plant would have lived, and the people would have died!

Why is it so hard to have compassion on the bully?

 Bully? Oh, you mean, Jonah? The one who wanted a whole city to be destroyed.

 No, Jonah wasn't the bully. The king of Ninevah was. But that isn't told in this story. We don't see all of what was before. The images in Jonah's mind when God told him to go. All of the horrible things that Jonah would never be able to unsee or forget when he heard the word: Ninevah. And yet, here God was, not feeling sorry for Jonah. But feeling sorry for -THE BULLY!!!

We are Jonah. More willing to jump into the sea in the middle of a tsunami than to look in the eyes of the one we hate and see a human: made in the image of God. 

Lest you think this means we should allow ourselves to be abused, let me remind you why Jonah was sent: To warn Ninevah that God saw and knew everything they had been doing and was about to destroy them.

Running, hiding and ignoring are natural responses. Jonah wasn't so different from us. 

But God IS very different than us humans. 

He sees things we do not see. He is merciful, gracious and good. 

What if the group of people WE despise- that person, or nation, we wish God would take vengeance on- what if they have an untold story too? A story only God knows. If we knew their story, maybe we would be compassionate too. And maybe, instead of wishing for their demise, we would run to them with the GOOD NEWS!

The message found in Jonah 3 and John 3. The way to LIFE!

By Sarah Whitney 12/5/2024

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Tiny Vicious Tiger

 They called it a "bomb cyclone."

    -the river in the sky.

-not really unusual for our area.

We prepared for a landslide and an electrical outage while listening to the rain pelting our tarped roof. 

The wind howled and a tree crashed somewhere in the forest.

Four little kittens snuggled close to their mama in the back bedroom.

But another cat was outside. 

When it got dark, and the puppy was asleep I would see her on the porch. Early in the morning she would be there again, her tummy sagging with milk. -begging me to give her food. She would peek inside, but was too skittish to come in. Her eyes wide with terror. 

"Where are your kittens?" I pleaded with her.

She followed me as I tore a piece of siding from our house.

I sat in the mud with a flashlight, trying to see through the insulation. -straining to hear a tiny mew.


The rain turned momentarily to huge fluffy snowballs dumping out of the sky. The soggy ground swallowed the snow as quickly as it fell.  

She stared at me from under the car.

Finally, she stepped towards the door and inside. She found a cubby hole in the laundry room and sat there. -looking at me- calm, regal. 

I listened and cleaned out the old tools, replacing the junk with a box of cozy rags. 

She approved. 

        -curled up and let me pet her -she almost purred.

"Bring them in here, mama. They will be safe."

The kittens in the back room had started to nibble on food and wobble around playfully. Surely her kittens were needing a warm, dry place to play.

"I will help you feed them." I whispered.

She was tired. Exhausted.

I propped the outside door open and shut the door to the rest of the house.

The next time we checked there was one little kitten in the box! 

He was friendly and sweet -white and dusty orange. 

"Good job mama!"

I softly shut the inside door.

It was cold outside, but the outside door must not shut, not until they were all in.

How many does she have? I wondered.

 A cute little tortoise-shell kitten was snuggled next to her brother the next time I checked.

We were in the kitchen when we saw the mama cat standing in the garage.

No wonder I couldn't find them under the house! 

I ran to the garage to see if I could help. There, in the box that I had set out weeks ago, was a tiny black and white kitten, alone and scared. I swooped her up and set her next to the other kittens. Three little kittens! Purrfect!

Mama cat couldn't rest though. She wandered back into the garage.

"I brought her in already." I explained. "Do you have another kitten out there?" 

She stared at me like I should know, but I didn't.

It rained all night.

The kittens were warm and snuggly. Their Mom asked to go outside, so I let her. The door was shut tight. She was a wandering cat. 

I took the puppy outside for a potty break sometime in the wee hours of the morning. 

We tried to find a sheltered place from the wind, next to the garage. I thought I heard a mew. I held my breath. 


"Kitty, kitty?"


Puppy didn't seem to notice. He wanted back in, so in we went.

All day Mama cat came in and out. She seemed happy. 

That night I heard it again.

I looked at the animals. Mama cat just looked at me; puppy played with a leaf and our older dog asked to go back inside.

"Is there another kitten?" I asked them. Surely, they would know. "Just because I'm human, doesn't mean I know everything!" I shouted into the rain. "Show me the kitten!" So, back into the kitchen we all went. Mama cat snuggled in with her 3 little kittens and puppy wriggled out a bit more energy before retiring to his crate. Old dog lay on his mat, tired of the rain and the wind.

The next morning wasn't quite as rainy, but it sure was cold. The cries were louder this time. I HAD heard a kitten! The other animals seemed unimpressed. I ran into the garage and picked up the box. Nothing.



I looked under and around everything and finally sat on the cold, cement floor and peered under the lawn mower. 

A kitten!

It was a beautiful, orange tabby! He didn't seem a bit scared as he stood there staring at me.

"Come here, kitty." I coaxed and playfully wiggled my fingers.

He stood up and stepped towards me. 

He looked so cute and tame.

I could almost reach him. His fur wasn't puffed out; his back wasn't arched, but he wasn't coming. He was standing there, on the cold concrete, surrounded by metal blades- hissing! Not afraid, just mad.

"You don't want to stay another night out here. Don't you want to come in with the others? Please?"

Surely his mom had explained it all to him in whatever communication methods cats have. Mama cat watched. Old dog watched.

I left the door open again for a little while that day, but, by nightfall only 3 little kittens lay in the cozy box.

When I went near the garage a soft, warning growl and hiss sounded. 

I checked the box in the garage again. Empty.

"Little kitten. Why are you choosing to sleep in the cold, alone?"

The next day I tried to coax him out with food. He turned his nose up at the food. Slowly stepping away from my hand. Growling. Hissing.

"I give up!" I mumbled sadly.

Later that day I realized I didn't see mama cat anywhere. What if? 

I walked slowly over to the long box in the corner of the garage. It had been empty all the other times, but this time it felt heavy as I tilted it upright. There was mama cat staring up at me! Her baby must be in there too. I touched the heavy rag on the bottom of the box. A very familiar growl and hiss sounded from under the rag. I grabbed the kitten and stuffed him in my coat holding firmly to his little body so he couldn't bite or scratch me. He spat and hissed and growled. Mama cat sat and watched.

I have rescued a lot of kittens, but this one was something else. I was sure he was going to bite me. I was worried that, if I released my grip, he would attack!

"You're not going to die." I assured him. "Your life is about to get a whole lot better!"

But evidently, cats can't understand me any more than I can understand them.

I carried him into the warm house.

"Look!" I coaxed gently "It's really nice in here. All your friends are here, and we have food!"

But he was angry that I had pulled him from his happy life of playing with lawn mower blades and sleeping alone. He spat and hissed and tried to move his head to bite me.

The other kittens looked up at us and blinked. -unconcerned with the war sounds coming from my jacket.

Somehow, he ended up in the box with the other kittens, but only for second. He bounced out and hid behind a shelf- growling quietly, yet fiercely. 

"Fine." I said "Stay there. But soon you will be running around playing and having a great time."

This morning, he pretended to sleep in the box while the other kittens ran to see what treats I had brought them. Their bellies were full of milk, but they still came and happily licked at the food I had brought. They purred, played and ate. They climbed my pant legs for attention.

I sat on a stool cleaning out the litter box, then I turned around and saw him. He was peeking out from behind the shelf, and he wasn't growling. He looked calm. He purposefully came a little closer to the food I was offering him and took a bite. I started to touch him, and he growled, standing his ground.

"Okay. I won't pet you."

I wonder how often God reaches out for us humans and we push him away, presuming He doesn't want what is best for us. I wonder, do we sometimes go kicking and screaming into our next stage of life, presuming our life has ended? Does God look at us, like I did that kitten and say: You aren't going to die. In fact, just wait and see what I have for you, just around the corner. It is more wonderful than you can imagine. Don't be afraid. I love you.

Naw, we are humans! We are smarter than this silly little kitty who would rather stay in the middle of a storm than be carried to safety. 


Monday, July 15, 2024

Love Anyway, Mama

 This Mama was born into slavery. She already had a daughter and a son when she learned she was expecting a third baby.  She tried to keep it a secret. The Pharoah had made a law that all baby boys should be thrown into the river. 

Maybe it would be a girl.

The day came for the baby to be born. Maybe Amram and Jochebed didn't even call the midwife. Jochebed tried not to make any noise as the sweat rose on her forehead. Amram soon held the tiny human in his hands. They cleaned him off. It was a boy. They exchanged knowing looks. Quietly they removed any evidence. Maybe no one would notice. 

For three months no one noticed. 

For three months the tiny baby nursed and slept and barely fussed. She held him and prayed over him.

For three months their secret was safe.

But how much longer could they hide him?

Jochebed knew it was only a matter of time before someone would find out. So, she decided to follow the law- literally! If her baby was going to be thrown into the river, it would be by her hands, in her way and time. She worked for several days, making the little basket, sealing ever crack. Praying and crying. One day it was ready. She nursed him a little longer. She held him a little tighter. Then, she placed him in the basket and covered him securely. 

Little Miriam was with her. Mama's helper. She had been through so much in her little life. She was also being prepared for great things. This was just the beginning of her ministry.

They placed the tiny basket in the river. Miriam stayed to watch from the reeds along the riverbank.

 Miriam's mom left, pretending like nothing had happened, as if the last year had been a dream. She chatted with the other women. She attended to her tasks. But inside she was crying out to God for mercy. Praying for a miracle. There seemed to be no way. I presume she didn't have a whole lot of experiences with the miraculous. Yet, she believed in the power of God. 

Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by her little girl running towards her. Was it over? Had her precious baby been eaten by a crocodile, or discovered by soldiers?

"The princess wants to see you, Mama!" little Miriam called out, tears streaming down her cheeks. Jochebed dropped what she was doing. The rest of the world vanished behind her as she ran faster than she had ever run before.

That evening she sat and held her baby. Moses was the name the princess had given him. "Moses!" she whispered as she nursed him. She tried to hide her tears. God had answered her prayers. Moses was alive! She treasured the moments she had with this little one, pouring into him all that she was allowed to. Physical food as well as spiritual. Singing songs of the promised land as he drifted off to sleep. -knowing her time was short. 

The nourishment she gave him planted seeds that would grow for the next eighty years. Was Jochebed still alive to see the exodus from Egypt? I doubt it. She was probably buried in Egypt. She didn't know that her son would be the one to lead her people to freedom. 

Oh, how important her job was!

We don't know what future plans God has for our children either. We don't know what experiences they will have, or what kind of world they will live in several decades from now.

But right now, as we hold them close, we have an amazing opportunity to fill them with tools they will need wherever this life takes them. Fill them with scripture. Instill in them a love for God's Word. Sing songs to them about God's love and hope for the future. And, most of all pray for them. It's probable that we will never see the end result of these prayers we pray over our children, and grandchildren. But don't lose hope! Those prayers will not be in vain. 

We don't know how much time we have to hold them. 

Probably less than eighty years.

Sometimes, being a Mama might feel pointless. Constantly cleaning up never-ending messes. Or maybe your kids are older, and they are making choices that hurt your heart (like when Moses killed someone and fled into the desert.). Don't stop praying for them.

Even if they don't make the choices you hoped they would. 

Even if you don't get as much time with them as you thought you would.

Even if no one says, "Thank you."

Love them anyway! Cherish each moment and be all in! You have the most important job in the world! 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Patience of Caleb


Jojo and I are reading in the book of Joshua again. I'm not going to try to explain, or even understand, some of the very hard chapters in this book. But one small passage stood out to me this time. It was about a man named Caleb.

Caleb had been on this journey since they left Egypt. He was about 40 years old at the time of the exodus! Caleb's voice was part of the cry that reached heaven in Exodus 3:7 The cry that changed an 80-year-old Moses's occupation from shepherd to deliverer . His hand may well have painted the doorpost of his slave quarters with lamb's blood. His body probably held scars of his time in slavery. However, he was different than the others in his generation.


He believed that Moses was sent by God. He believed that, even though things seemed to get worse, at first, they would be free people soon! He walked through the Red Sea and watched as his Egyptian owners were washed away. That life was over. A new one had begun. 

He didn't complain about the walking, or the heat, or the cold, or the times he felt thirsty. He ate manna every day with a thankful heart! Bread from Heaven! Angel's food!

Soon they reached the Promise Land. The land that Caleb's ancestors had lived in many years before, but had never forgotten. The land that was now occupied by GIANTS!

Caleb believed God would keep His promise.

When Moses sent a man from each tribe to spy out the land, Caleb was one of them. Caleb walked through an area called: Kadesh-Barnea. He took note of everything. He was ready to come back and conquer the land! Soon they would be free people in their own land. Caleb was ready to see what God would do next.

Joshua and Caleb's excitement is hard to miss, even after centuries and a few translations. It was time!

But no one else seemed excited. They were discouraged. They felt defeated before the battle even began. The beautiful, promised land would not be inhabited by this generation. They must wander in the wilderness for 40 years!

Moses assured Caleb and Joshua that they would live to return and take possession of the land.

Finally, the day came.

Joshua was the leader. 

City by city and piece, by piece, the land was claimed by God's people. Music brought walls down, the sun and moon stood still, and giants were slain. Gradually, each tribe, each family was able to claim their inheritance.

Then, Caleb went to visit his old comrade, Joshua.

"I am 85-years-old today." he said. "...still strong as ever. I'm ready for the land that Moses promised me."

Joshua gave him his blessing.

The Anakim lived there. Giants. A people group still spoken of in hushed tones. Mysterious beings, strong and fierce.

Caleb was ready. He had been ready 40 years ago, and he was even more ready now! 

Caleb could have settled somewhere the younger soldiers had already conquered. But he wanted the land he had explored all those years before. The land of the giants! 

This brave, strong warrior took the hill (Joshua 14:12) and claimed Hebron or himself and his descendants. I wonder if some of them are living there today. I wonder if any of them are as brave as Caleb.

Has God promised you something? Do you feel like, by the time it comes you'll be too old to enjoy it? Remember, Caleb. The man who patiently watched almost everyone else in his generation get discouraged and give up. But who never lost hope and lived to see the fruition of what he had been walking towards his whole life:

 Rest, Peace and Freedom!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A Wasted Life (chapter 2)

 My poor husband had to endure hearing me vent when I got home.

"PE is nothing to mess around with! Jonah might have known the warning signs if he had paid attention!"

My sweet husband paused the video game he was playing with our son and looked up. I could tell he was already lost. 

"I'm a teacher." he reminded me. "I have a feeling PE means something different to me, than it does to you."

"PE, pulmonary embolism." I knew that information didn't help. Sometimes I wish I had someone in my family who spoke my language! But I suppose that would be boring. 

'It's basically a blood clot that moves from the leg to the lungs. It can be deadly." I answered in words he could understand. "Evidently, he has been ignoring symptoms for several weeks: -a swollen, sore leg, followed by a lingering cough and shortness of breath. Who ignores shortness of breath!?"

"I hear ya, but to be fair, he did eventually go to the hospital, and he is going to be okay, right?" 

"No! I mean, yes, he went, but he WOULD have died if it hadn't been for a customer of his. Jonah had just arrived at the scene of an accident. The ambulance was getting ready to leave. When Jonah stepped out of his truck he stumbled and fell on the ground. Someone waved for the EMT's to come over. If they hadn't been right there, it could have been a lot worse."

Later that evening, after the kids were in bed, my husband spoke up. "I think I know what is really bothering you." He always seemed to know, even when I didn't. I had been venting all evening, but now I just sat, ready to listen.

"I don't think it is Jonah you are worried about. I think it is you!"

"What!?" I asked "If Jonah had made better life decisions..." I stopped myself. It was time to listen.

"I think you are wondering if YOU made the right life decisions."

"I love being a nurse. We both agreed that it would make more sense for me to work and you to stay home with the kids." But even as I heard myself speak those words, I realized that he was right. Caleb was wonderful at homeschooling the kids. I got depressed when I was home all day. Also, nursing made more money than teaching. But deep inside I wondered if this was the best way to do life.

Why had I made the decisions I had? How far back should I go?

"Most of your life decisions you have made to please someone else." my husband explained. 

I was the oldest child in my family. I wanted so much to please my parents and grandparents. I wanted to do things right! So, when Grandma said I would make a good nurse, and Grandpa said he would help pay for it, I joined medical school. Did I even pray to see if that was what GOD wanted me to do with my life? I had prayed! Right?!

"I wonder what my life might have been like if I didn't worry so much about what people thought and did what I truly believe God wanted me to do."

"It might not have been that different." Caleb suggested. 

"I know one thing I would have changed if I could." I teased. "We would have had more kids!"

Caleb laughed. "Yes! And we would have gotten married earlier!"

"Definitely!" I laughed, remembering how miserable we had been the last half of our engagement year.

Caleb was wonderful. He always knew what to say. 

He held me close and soon fell asleep. 

I couldn't sleep though. The cool darkness slowed my thoughts so I could sort them out. Why was anger the emotion I felt when I heard that Jonah was at the hospital? Wouldn't concern, sympathy, or even fear, make more sense? What was wrong with me? 

What if it wasn't Jonah I was angry at? 

Maybe I was angry at myself because I, the nurse, should have been able to prevent this. I should have noticed he was favoring one leg. I should have thought about the risk of blood clots and warned him about sitting too much. I should have kept him from becoming a tow truck driver. It is a very dangerous profession!

What was I thinking? 

Did I really think I had the power to prevent the blood clot? And, even if I did, would I have really kept him from following his passion?

How silly of me!

"I'm sorry for getting mad." I whispered into the darkness, to no one in particular.

I fell asleep imagining what my life might have looked like if I followed my passion. What was my passion. Did I have one?

Monday, June 24, 2024

A Wasted Life (Intro and Chapter 1)



This story began two and a half decades ago when I was in college. It appeared on the page late one night at my writing partner’s house. We munched on popcorn as we typed away. She wrote poetry, and I wrote stories! We both loved this story, but somehow it never got finished. I felt like I didn’t have enough life experiences to write it.

My friend seemed so much older: married with children! She must have been in her thirties! Haha! Those were the days.

Now, here I sit, after midnight, in another time and space. I don’t know why I decided to try this story at this time. The floppy disk I saved it on might still be around here somewhere, but it would be an antique for my laptop. I don’t need it anyway, the story lives inside of me. It has been here all this time, and it has changed, as I have. Hopefully, for the better. Though part of me wonders if it will be as interesting as my naïve, young adult self, wrote it a long time ago.

One thing I changed, just this week, is the main character. I think that has been my problem all along. I had the wrong person as the main character.



Chapter One

He Never Did Listen to Me


“You could have been a doctor! You could have saved people’s lives! You could have saved YOUR life!” I said to the form on the hospital bed.

I stood in the doorway, too afraid of my own emotions to get any closer. There he was, just as I had expected to find him. Broken and frail, yet still smiling – no LAUGHING at me. That silly grin and twinkle in his eyes. I could see it all from here. How could I love and hate someone all at once? My youngest brother.

I had been twelve when he was born, almost a teenager. He was MY baby. No, not like THAT. I mean, I was his favorite! I could get him to burp when no one else could. Later, it was my bed he crawled into. I even taught him to read. We were playing in the tree fort. I wrote him a little story using his name and a few short, easy words.

“God loves Jonah.

Jonah loves God.”

I had him practice until he had it … well, memorized probably. Mom was so pleased she said I could do his reading with him from then on. We read in the fort, in the hammock, in the boat, and snuggled on the couch.

That was when I was seventeen, and Jonah was five. That was before I became an adult. -before I turned selfish.

I don’t think he ever accepted the fact that I was an adult. Which is strange because I highly doubt he remembers when I wasn’t an adult.

Poor kid had abandonment issues because his SISTER moved away and left him behind. With his own, biological parents!

Grandpa and Grandma tried hard to be supportive of my parents’ choice to have five kids AND homeschool, but I think they worried we wouldn’t get a real education. They started a fund when each of us were born to use for college. I used mine to go through nursing school. All our siblings went to college and got good jobs.

And then there was Jonah. Our local college has a program where high schoolers can take college classes: but Jonah just wasn’t feeling it. When he was eighteen, he still wasn’t ready for college. An uncle invited him to help him build tiny houses.

 He was so excited the day he left. His Toyota pickup piled up with all his belongings. I was pregnant and had a toddler on my hip. He had laughed at me that day too. That teasing little brother laugh.

“Be careful!” I told him. “Make sure you use safety gear! Don’t cut any fingers off!”

“Why not?” he laughed “You don’t work at the ER anymore anyway. Don’t worry!”

“It’s okay for him to take a year off before college.” My Mom assured me. “Each person has a different path. We can’t really force anyone to be something they are not. The Bible says, ‘Raise up a child in the way he should go’ only God knows the path that is best for Jonah. I don’t want to be the one to stand in the way of God’s perfect plan for Jonah’s life.”

I knew she was right then, but now I wasn’t sure. Now that he lay in that hospital bed broken and hurting.

“You promised me you wouldn’t get hurt!” I pouted, as if a person can keep such a promise.

He mumbled something, but I couldn’t hear him, so I shuffled closer to the bed.

“That was when I left to build tiny houses, not as a tow truck driver!” he defended himself.

I scowled “You didn’t have to be a tow truck driver. You could have used the money for any career! I always thought you would have been an excellent doctor. If you had received ANY medical training at all, you would have known not to ignore a warm, swollen leg. You could have died from that blood clot!"

I was still angry.

"You chose this path!"

A hot tear rolled down my cheek.

“Yep” he said softly, “I chose this path, and, if I had the opportunity to choose again, I would still choose THIS.”

I stood in the quiet. My mind numb. Wishing I could wake up and all of this would be a dream. Wishing I could turn back time and… and what? What would I change? Did I really think that I would have done a better job of managing Jonah’s life than he had? Was I really that controlling?

Suddenly, I knew nothing.

A nurse came in and I wandered out the door and down the hall. It was so strange being the one leaving the patient’s room. -the one asking the questions instead of giving the answers.

Question like: Who was your visitor? 

Just his controlling big sister.

 Or was she just being helpful?

Who was he? -this man, laying on the bed, telling her he was perfectly capable of making his own life choices and willing to accept the consequences of those actions.

She laughed at herself. Of course he was right.

But did he have any idea how the consequences of his actions would snowball, affecting people he loved and even some he had never met?




Monday, June 17, 2024

Better Than Seven Sons

 In today's world having SEVEN sons might not seem like a blessing, but in Naomi's world having sons was every woman's dream.

This time of year, my mind often wanders to the book of Ruth. Maybe it is because the grass is often tall and reminds me of the barley fields where Ruth gleaned. But this year it's not young, brave, kind Ruth I'm thinking of, but Naomi.

I know why. 

It's because I started a new chapter of my life this year. I'm a grandma. 

As I held this precious little boy, I suddenly felt empathy for dear Naomi. I wondered what it meant that Naomi became Obed's nurse. 🤔 Maybe Ruth was busy running the household and Naomi had more time to sit and hold the baby and take him for walks and stop and look at interesting rocks and plants. 

Her friends and neighbors were so happy to see dear Naomi carrying a precious little one around town again.

You see... a couple decades before this, a much younger Naomi was often seen chasing around not one, but two happy little boys, in this same small town. It seems everyone knew her. Naomi: the pleasant one.

I picture her as friendly and optimistic. - a smile on her face as she chatted with the other women in the marketplace and at the well.

When the drought came the love of her life, Elimelech, decided to move her and the boys to Moab. I wonder if she was excited to go, or sad to leave her friends. Maybe she tried to make it a fun adventure for her boys.

 I know she kept their culture's traditions alive in her home, because her daughter-in-law, Ruth knew the God of Naomi.

I know she was kind and loving because Orpah and Ruth WANTED to go with her. I presume she was like a mother to them. They preferred to live in widowhood with her than to go home. Orpah was finally convinced to return home, to her parents, but Ruth refused.

You know how in some cultures people change their names throughout their lives? I can see why. The name, Naomi, just didn't fit her anymore. Naomi means "pleasant" or "delight". Her life was far from either!

Naomi's life started out good, it seems. She married and had two sons. Life was pleasant.

Then the famine hit.

But that was okay. They could move to a better area.

Her husband died. It broke her heart, but at least her sons were grown so she had someone to care for her.

Her sons married Moabite girls. They were so sweet. It was fun to teach them the ways of her people. 

Her sons died. Both of them! Without having any children.

Suddenly Naomi fell into a deep depression. This was more than she could bear.  Some people sleep when they are depressed and some start walking. 

walking and walking... somewhere... anywhere but here where all the pain is, the bad memories...

Naomi had heard that the drought was over back home. She would go home. -go home and die. Alone and empty. The drought was over at home, but it was at its worse for Naomi! The emptiness inside her was worse than cracked ground thirsty for rain. She began to pack her bags.

The girls packed too. Of course they were going. They lived with Naomi. They had lost their husbands too. All they had was each other.

Naomi looked at those two sweet girls. She remembered when she was young, before Elimelech died. How naive she had been as she packed the bags to come to Moab. She couldn't let them make the same mistakes she had.

"Stay here." she said sadly. "Go home to your families. May God bless you with new husbands who are kind to you as you have been kind to my sons and me."

"Noooo!" BOTH girls cried. "We want to go with you to YOUR people!"

I wonder if Naomi thought about her people: the Jews. People chosen by God. Yet, people who had suffered so much, even in those early days.

 No, those sweet girls should stay where they belong. She couldn't bear the thought of them suffering like she had.

You know the story. Orpah was convinced and, through tears, hugged Naomi and went home to her own family. 

But Ruth wouldn't let go. She wouldn't leave. 

Sometimes we know too much, those of us who count our age in decades. We have seen and experienced things that sober us. This path called life isn't a fun adventure. It might not be a pleasant thing that waits for us around the bend.

Let her learn her own way, Naomi. Let Ruth walk the path you did. Maybe it will be better for her. And, even if it isn't, maybe, as she has watched you handle life's trials, maybe she will be stronger. Don't tell her it won't be a good experience. Do you really think having her go home, to her family, will be any better? She needs you. In your brokenness, in your pain. Yes, even if you change your name to Mara. She needs you!

I always saw how much Naomi needed Ruth and how brave Ruth was, but suddenly I see a young bride turned widow, heartbroken, clinging to someone who has shown her a better way to do life.

How is this way better, Ruth? Can't you see the sorrow it brings?

No, Naomi. Ruth sees something more in you and she longs for the place YOU call HOME! She longs to join the people who know how to mourn, but also know how to rejoice! She is willing to give up all she has ever known to have HOPE!

What hope does Naomi have? Maybe she doesn't seem like she has hope, as she walks down that long, dusty road. As she arrives at her town and bitterly tells her friends she isn't the "Naomi" who left here a decade ago. She isn't pleasant and cheerful. She doesn't want to chat about all the silly little things she used to talk about. 

What is wrong with being quiet sometimes, Naomi? What is wrong with going home empty? 

Her friends came around her. Dear relatives took her and Ruth in. Gently. Allowing her to provide for her own needs as much as she could, but quietly leaving bundles of grain in Ruth's path. 

As Naomi ate the bread, made from the barley grown in her hometown, maybe she realized that she did have something to offer Ruth. 

What Ruth had seen a glimpse of in Naomi, back in the country of Moab, was a way of life here in Bethlehem, Judea. 

As Naomi watched Ruth thriving, she softened. -not like she had been as a girl, but like a sweet grandma whose smile draws small children to her lap. It wasn't long before her lap was full. -a dear little boy, named Obed. 

Her friends were so happy. Their Naomi was back! Laughing and talking, a baby in her arms. This is our Naomi! This is our friend! 

Somehow, I don't think Naomi was watching the reactions of her friends though. I kinda think she was watching Ruth. The joy she had as she embraced Naomi's culture and religion witnessed to Naomi as well. It healed her. 

"She is better to you than seven sons!" her friends declared.

Yes. She was.

I imagine Ruth looking at Naomi and thinking the same thing. Where would she be if it wasn't for Naomi? 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Joseph: Our Brother


(Genesis 45)

We never guessed that he might be our brother!

He had the appearance of an Egyptian. The authority of a KING! We bowed before him. (Only Pharoah was greater.)

We were aliens from a foreign land, here in this land of plenty. So far away from home. He tested us until he was satisfied. He was a powerful man, not at all like our annoying little brother.

Yet here he was speaking OUR language. Telling us that ALL of this had been part of God's plan. Yes, we had been angry at him. We wanted him gone. -out of the very long ago. No, it wasn't really us sending him away. God sent him away so he could save us. And not just us. People from all over the known world. Hungry people in need of saving. Our little brother, our savior? Who would have thought...?

"Come!" he invited. "To the place prepared for you."

He hugged us and cried... we all cried.

It was really HIM!

Why had it taken us so long to see?

The Egyptians thought they knew who he was. But they were wrong.

To be fair, we thought we knew who he was, and we were wrong too!

We were wrong when we thought he was an arrogant little kid. 

We were also wrong when we thought he was an Egyptian.

The day we realized who he was... the day he spoke to us in our mother tongue and asked us how our father was... THAT DAY was the day everyone else also learned his true identity.

"Joseph's family has come!" they whispered. 

News traveled quickly until everyone knew.

And they were glad, so very glad, for OUR LITTLE BROTHER

- and FINALLY... so were we. 

Blessed is HE who comes in the name of the LORD!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Covered With Glory


May 10th, 2024 at 11:00 PM I opened my front door and peeked at the sky expecting to be disappointed, again. How many times had I dragged my family outside in the cold darkness to see something spectacular only to be disappointed

(earlier that evening)

 Luke humored me and we sat outside for about an hour, our lawn chairs facing the northern horizon, not sure what we were even looking for. Grandpa kept turning the porch light on for us so we could "see better". Maybe we saw a faint purple, or green between the trees, but probably it was just our imagination. No use calling anyone else to join us. It was just like the other times, only this time it wasn't as cold. And somehow it didn't seem quite so dark, even though the moon was New. 

We went inside and Luke went to bed, exhausted from a long week of work. I smiled, happy to have spent some quiet moments outside with my soulmate, thankful for the slower pace of Sabbath. It had been an unseasonably warm day. I couldn't decide whether to open the door and let in the cooler night air, or shut the door and keep the dark, and what roams in the dark out! 

Finally, the busyness of the day caught up with me and I decided to go to bed. "We don't get northern lights here." I thought, "and if, by some odd chance they might be seen at this latitude, we wouldn't be able to see them from our woods. -not where we live."

I decided to open our front door one more time. 

The door that faces south.

What I saw was nothing like the pictures. In fact, if I hadn't heard there was a possibility of seeing them, I wouldn't have given, what I was seeing, a second thought. I looked UP! Not just out into the night, but up into the patch of sky above my porch. Beams, pillars of light spread out across the sky! 

"It's here!" I shouted "Luke! Are you still awake? If you aren't, wake up!" he came out and we stared at the sky. 

It was so bright outside, yet I couldn't locate the source of the light. Faint wisps that looked very much like light pollution, or thin clouds, appeared in the sky.

I got comfortable and stared into the darkness. The more I looked, the more I saw!

 My first thought was how easy this would be to miss- to not see. I wondered how many times these lights had been dancing above my head and I didn't even realize they were there! Faint whispers. A breeze. A gentle glow. Sights very easy to brush off as something ORDINARY and INSIGNIFICANT! 

My second thought was: If THIS is how amazing the glory of the sun is... that created fireball in the sky... how awesome the Glory of God must be!

Then, my daughter came out with her phone. We had heard there was more to see than what our eyes could capture. What our eyes saw as a faint whisper of pink above the trees was a fuchsia blanket that covered the whole sky! What we saw as a thin, wispy cloud was a vibrant-colored angel defending our earth from solar wind particles.

Now that I knew what I was seeing, my eyes could see it a bit too. Look! Those "clouds" were moving and dancing. The color WAS all over the sky! I could see it now. Faintly, but the more I sat still and watched the more I saw.

I am not good at handling unusual situations. 

I didn't think this was important enough to wake up more people. :(

I still thought this was more common than I realized, or that tomorrow's show would be better, or that others wouldn't be impressed.

So, I sat still and watched.

 Half imagining, half seeing... the train of His robe filling the temple as the cloudy curtain grew to cover a huge portion of the sky. ...a round ball of light with another circle inside of it...

The Glory of God COVERING the whole earth! As the camera screen lit up with colors more vibrant than exist in nature.


Could it be that my fleshly eyes cannot see what is really there, right in front of me? I can catch glimpses and hints, but not really SEE!

"Glory, glory. The whole earth is filled with His Glory." I whispered, because it seemed wrong to shout. I wanted to sing, but that didn't seem quite right either, for it seemed that this music was enjoyed with the eyes instead the ears.

I didn't know what to do with this experience. Part of me wanted to say it was imagined and I was overreacting. But the pictures the next morning proved that the opposite was true. 

I had no idea how awesome, or rare, what I was viewing was. 

I left before it was over, thinking I could watch it again tomorrow, or the next day. Not knowing this may have been my only chance to experience this.

Of course there is a spiritual lesson in this. Many lessons. New and peculiar lessons! Lessons that I am sure you became aware of too, if you happened to be up in the middle of the night and lived in an area where you could see the show.

The spiritual realm is a great mystery. 

Unseen angels are protecting us from invisible dangers.

 It sounds made up. It's just cotton candy clouds, or my eyes imagining a hint of color. There is no such thing as Aurora. But it is more real that the things we can see in the bright light of the day.

Why did the night seem so bright when the moon had already set, and the colors of Aurora Borealis were so faint to the naked eye? Is that a taste of the brightness of God's Glory? The glory that will light that Holy City! The Glory that is covering the earth, that will cover the whole earth.

That Sabbath I read Revelation 4 and Ezekiel 1, wondering if what Ezekiel and John saw was similar to the pictures shown on my daughter's phone. 

But the picture that impressed me most was the picture on my little android phone taken at the same time and place as the picture above:

I admit it. I don't know how to take pictures. :D
I WAS using the "night" setting! 
But somehow, instead of enhancing the beauty, my camera showed even LESS of what my eyes could see!

Why do I still have this black picture on my camera? Why didn't I delete it immediately? I wasn't sure until I read this verse: Job 3:20 "Wherefore is light given to him that is in misery, and life to the bitter in soul?"  Maybe I should name my camera "Job"! lol  

At this horrific time of tragedy in Job's life, he WANTED it to be DARK! He didn't want LIFE. He didn't want SUNSHINE. He wanted to sit in his misery, bitterness and pain. But near the end of the Book of Job he is enlightened. God shows him His Power and a taste of His Glory! So, in the last chapter Job admits: "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now my EYE seeth!" He had an iphone now! HAHA! He could see the glory surrounding him and defending him from things he didn't even know existed! Things too wonderful for his human brain to comprehend!
Suddenly it was okay that he didn't understand. 
And I like to think the light didn't hurt his eyes as much.

Seeing the natural laws working as they were created to, helped me trust that God is working in the spiritual realm as well. 

Maybe our circumstances in life affect how we see the world around us. Maybe it is hard to see the glory that shines so brightly in other people's worldview. Maybe we shut our eyes to the beauty, explain it away, or ignore it. Or, maybe, the lens that we are looking through is not capturing anything at all. All we see is the darkness. Something to shut out and run from.

Next time your world view looks like my second picture, stop for a minute. Find a comfy spot on the grass and look UP! 
You just might notice that the night is a lot brighter than it seems. And that there is beauty even on the darkest night of the month!

And back in the physical realm, if we get another chance to see the Aurora Borealis in our area, I'm not going to be embarrassed to swing my door open and wake up the whole family. Now that I think of it, I would rather them be disappointed that nothing happened, than to be disappointed that they missed it! 

Come to think of it, maybe THAT paragraph isn't only talking about the physical realm either! ;) 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Bezaleel's Calling


The books of Moses contain some of the most exciting stories in the Bible, but they also contain some of the dullest chapters. 

I believe every word in the Bible is there for a reason and is holy. But some chapters are a bit tedious to read through. Exodus 21-31 are like that for me. -laws and building instructions for the tabernacle

This time as I read the instructions, I tried to picture what it might have been like. As you know, I enjoy foraging for wild edibles. I like to imagine that I could survive in the wilderness, but I highly doubt my survival skills would sustain me for long. I doubt I could keep myself alive for forty years, let alone a million people! And build a beautiful tabernacle as well?! I could maybe make a shelter of some kind, but nothing as elaborate as the tabernacle!

God gave Moses detailed instructions on how to build the tabernacle. As I read through the instructions for the umpteenth time in my life I still didn't understand. I could read those instructions a million times and still have no clue how to even begin this building project. But there was a man who received the instructions and nodded his head and then went to work and actually BUILT IT! 

He was in the middle of the wilderness! All he had was scraps of fabric and jewelry donations. Bezaleel and his friend, Aholiab, were brilliant! God told Moses they were filled with the Spirit! 

When I started reading Exodus chapter 31 this time, I had forgotten who this guy was. I had been reading about God talking with Moses. Chapter after chapter of these lists of things. As you know, I like stories, so when I read God told Moses that there is a man named, Bezaleel who is filled with the Spirit of God, that caught my attention. I was reading slowly that night and picturing this amazing person who God chose to help Moses. Verse 3 said this man had wisdom, understanding and knowledge as well as being filled with the spirit of God! My mind wandered to the many people mentioned in Genesis and Exodus who could also be described this way. Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses... I wondered what great leadership role this Bezaleel would fulfill and why his name wasn't as familiar to me. Then I read verses 4 and 5. He was brilliant! This man could do it all! -stonework -woodcarving -metal work -building furniture -making dishes...

Somehow when I first saw he was filled with the spirit of God I presumed there would be a sermon from him, or something, but I don't really see him saying anything! I don't even know if he could read and write, but he could build! He could take those mysterious instructions that God had given Moses on the mountain, look at the supplies they had on hand and actually BUILD IT! I don't know if he said a single word the whole time! 

I stopped for a minute and imagined Bezaleel, Aholiab and the others referenced in verse 6 and I was super impressed. Then, of course, I had an epiphany. (Probably the same one everyone who has ever read these few verses has realized, but still...) 

Evidently God can use all kinds of people, not just the ones who are good at public speaking! 

He needs people who are good at building, who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty, or don't mind hours of quiet solitude. He intentionally created people with a variety of personalities, gifts and talents in each generation! 

My mind went to the writings of Paul in the New Testament. Remember when he listed a few different gifts followers of Jesus might have? And remember that other list with those other things too?  -those lists that I just read over quickly because it wasn't an interesting story. Well, you and I were in one of those lists! Maybe we aren't a pastor, or missionary. Maybe it seems like we aren't doing much to build the kingdom of God. But if you and I can say, "Yes!" to the job God has given us to do, He can use us to do amazing things too! Things that others might look at and not even know where to start! (like my messy kitchen)

Maybe your job seems menial to you, but without you doing what you do best, the body of Christ would not function right. So, take on the task God has given you today! We need you! He needs you!

May God fill us with His Holy Spirit, wisdom, understanding and knowledge to do what He has given us to do today. May we take on these tasks with confidence knowing that we were born at this time, for this purpose! 

Monday, May 20, 2024

The Preacher


The Preacher Lives Life to the Fullest

“Why are we here?” the young man wondered.

“What is the point of all of this?” And by “this” he meant life.

He was blessed that he could observe, experiment and explore to his heart’s content. Unrestrained by time or resources.

If all of life is a cycle: the water, weather, generations, then what is the meaning of his one insignificant life? It is doubtful that future generations will even know he existed. (Ecclesiastes 1:1-12)

He decided to study and learn everything he could about everything! He read ALL the books and listened to wise people’s theories. But the more he learned the heavier his burden became. The thoughts in his mind made him feel like he was losing it and he kind of wished he had never started this journey. (Ecclesiastes 1:13- 18)

Maybe he was trying too hard! He put away his books and decided to LIVE LIFE! And live he did! He built beautiful houses and gardens. He threw lavish parties. He consumed good food and drink. He hired musicians and servants. He accumulated more gold and silver than anyone before him. He bought many kinds of animals. He said yes to everything that suggested happiness! He was surrounded with beauty and joy! It was fun to build all of this.

But, one day he looked over everything. It seemed like the more work he did, the more he acquired, the more work there was to do. 

Again, what was the point?

 WHY was he doing all this? Was it to be happy? -to please himself? That’s a foolish reason. What was he anyway? -just one human being. What if he accumulated all of this and the people after him destroyed it? All his getting was no better than a greedy, hoarder who only thinks of himself. It didn’t matter if he was rich or poor, life was pointless- or was it? 

Maybe the music and beauty of life IS the point. Maybe it is enjoying the little things. Appreciating the world around us. Thanking God for all His many blessings. Maybe it’s okay to enjoy all of this! In fact, maybe that is the answer, or at least part of it: Enjoy the blessings of today.

Some people are never happy, whether they have little or much. Joy comes in acknowledging that all good things come from God. (Ecclesiastes 2:24-26)

The Preacher Realizes the Emptiness of his Life

One would presume that being a good person would naturally cause one’s life to be happy and satisfying. However, as the now middle-aged man began observing and learning about the lives of other people his observations confused him. It seems that “time and chance” happened to everyone, regardless of whether they made good life choices, or not. He also noticed that corruption was literally everywhere! No matter how prestigious the establishment, upon closer inspection, it was evident that it was run by fallible humans. What a let-down! Who could he trust? Of course, God is the One who could be trusted! How reassuring that the all-wise judge will sort everything out. 

I imagine Solomon watching his animals, at the end of chapter 3, noticing how similar they were to humans. But in one way, the animals were different. They never seemed to question their short existence. There was wisdom to be found here. 

As the man matured, he learned the lesson of humility. He had spent many years searching for the meaning of his life, only now to realize life was meant to be shared. The hard times are easier to bear with someone else. The good times are meant to be enjoyed with others. “Better is a poor, wise child, than an old, foolish king…” (Ecclesiastes 4:13) he said, and I smile as I picture an old king on a beautiful throne realizing he wasn’t getting wiser with age, only more aware of how human he was. The more he looked around, the more he noticed the hard lives of so many. Was he guilty of causing the oppression he referred to?

Another place he learned humility was in the sanctuary. How many times had he been quick to speak and slow to listen? Wisdom is acquired and exhibited in listening, not speaking.

Here he was with great riches and all the comforts of life, but he couldn’t sleep. One day of honest, hard work and he slept like he was a boy again. Perhaps, joy isn’t in attaining the treasure, but in working towards a goal. The cycles of life he found so meaningless as a boy gave him something to wake up for. It wasn’t bondage- this constant toil. It was a gift from God, to be enjoyed (Ecclesiastes 5:18- 20).

The older he got, the more he learned about life, love, himself, other humans and especially, God. And then, suddenly, he was old and wise. Was it too late to live life the way he should have all along? If it was, maybe that is why he wrote it all out for us in the book we now call Ecclesiastes.

A book, no doubt read by a future son of David: Jesus. He summed it all up in one verse. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness: and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)”

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Night Everything Went Wrong

I have nights like that too Peter. 

-nights when everything I say seems to be wrong and everything I do is either too much, or not enough.

That Footwashing Episode 💦

Sometimes I feel unworthy.

"Don't wash MY feet!"

...and then, I go to the other extreme...

"Wash my head too!"

If I had been paying attention, maybe I would have understood. 

Why not just let Jesus wash my feet? Why did I have to open my mouth?! Why am I like that sometimes?

Awake When I Should Sleep, Asleep When I Should... Pray 🙏

Sometimes I don't realize the seriousness of the situation. 

I'm trusting and letting go and resting. Isn't that the right thing to do?

I see now that it was time to be WATCH and PRAY!

It was going to be a long night. 

He Said Something About a Sword 🗡

Sometimes I think I am listening and obeying.

...defending my master by, cutting off someone's ear...

"Those who live by the sword, die by the sword."

Why did I think He needed me to defend him? How could I have gotten this so wrong?

The last words Jesus spoke to him before he was crucified- a reprimand. 😢

Failing the Test I was Clearly Warned About 🐓

Peter was warned EXACTLY what was going to happen. 

I too get myself into situations, knowing full well what the outcome of my actions will be. 

What was I thinking? 

Did I think it wouldn't matter? -that I wouldn't feel like a failure afterwards?

Denying my Lord, my best friend... Why? -when I was so brave an hour ago! 

Suddenly, too afraid to acknowledge that I am with HIM!

"...when the cock crew he went out and cried bitterly..."

What a horrible, terrible night when everything went so wrong!

Oh, to wake up from such a night and realize it was just a dream.

Then He Died

No, not Peter. 

Judas Iscariot died.

Jesus died.

But Peter was very much alive.

I would be replaying that night in my head.

Why did I say that?

Why did I do that?

But it was too late now. It was over.

Three days and three nights of ...wishing a redo was possible.

Jesus said, "Go tell Peter..."

...and I heard it through two thousand years of time as if it was my name- and I cried!

You died for me while I was a sinner!

On the very night I forgot who I was and who you were and ARE!

You did it all for me!

You knew I couldn't do it for myself. 

Jesus knows all of my inadequacies and failures and yet turns to me and asks me to feed his sheep! 

Doesn't He know who I am?

Yes. Yes, He does.

He knows exactly who I am.

The question is: Do I know who He is? 


Sunday, January 7, 2024

Tonight, I sit down to write, not because I have something to say, but because I want to be more consistent with my writing. Since my blog theme is: stories, I should write a story, but there isn't any particular story on my mind. I could write a Bible story, or a story from family history, or I could just start writing and see what comes out! The problem with that is, we don't know where we might end up. Also, it won't be a true story. Don't read too much into it either since it isn't something I have thought out or researched.


I suppose everyone has a hope deep within them that this world isn't all there is. -that death isn't the end, but the beginning of how life should have been to begin with. When we hear of the death of someone... anyone... even someone we never met, we grieve as if it was unexpected.
 -unexpected that someone alive would suddenly not be. 
How odd. What a strange thing death is.

But life is also odd.
 And so, it came to be that what little Milly called, "life" seemed to be lacking HOPE. She learned at a young age that it was useless to hope.

Why hope for snow, when all that came was rain?

Why hope for a new little brother, when all you got was a cat?

I suppose this is the part of the story where we hear the sad tale of dear little Milly's troubles. Was she an orphan? Was there disease, or war? Was she an invalid? 

But what if she was just a normal little girl living a normal life? What if she was above average? What if she had two parents who loved here dearly? What if she lived in a beautiful home and had everything money could buy?

Our story would be - BORING!!

If Milly was content and happy and had all of her needs and even wants supplied, we wouldn't have a story. But, we do have a story, so what is the problem? The problem is she doesn't have hope. How had she come to this belief that it wasn't worth hoping for anything? Maybe that is the problem right there. 

You see, Milly never asked for anything. She didn't need to. Her needs were supplied before she had the realization that it was even a need. When she did ask for something, she had to use her imagination to think up something so extraordinary that everyone just laughed at her. 

"What would you do with a swimming pool full of snow?" they laughed.

"Little girls can't have their own spaceship and fly to the moon! they laughed again.

So, Milly quit asking.
She quit hoping.

This was all there was to life, and she must accept whatever happened to cross her path on that particular day.

She was content, but quiet. 
She could have been spoiled, but she wasn't. I'm not sure why not, maybe it was just her temperament to be submissive. 

One day her mother told her it would be her fourth birthday very soon. "Is there anything you want?" her mother asked. 

Milly thought that was a strange question to ask. No one had seemed to care what she wanted before. In fact, SHE hadn't really cared what she wanted. Deep inside of her something woke up and she began to think of things that could improve the quality of her life exponentially.

A pony!

A baby brother or sister!

A hot air balloon.

Mother smiled. "Let's think about a gift I can wrap up for you. Maybe something you can hold, or play with, or wear. 

But her favorite toys were the ones in her room, and she had plenty of nice clothes.

"I hope it snows!" she whispered, not realizing that it doesn't usually snow when it is 50 degrees Fahrenheit outside.

When her birthday came, she didn't get any of the things she hoped for. Milly's favorite snacks were on the table along with a plateful of cupcakes! She got a set of paints, a new doll, and a very soft blanket. Her grandparents and cousins came over for the afternoon too! It was a very happy day.

At the end of the day her mother came to tuck her in bed.

"Mama!" little Milly said, "I know what I want for my birthday now."

Mother smiled gently.

"I want cupcakes, paint, a new doll and this blanket that I love so much! I want my cousins to come over and play! I want to run and splash in the rain puddles! I hope I get all of those things when I turn 5 too!"

Mother smiled at her little girl.
How could she explain to her that she probably wouldn't get those exact things for her 5th birthday? In fact, in another year she might have new things she enjoyed playing with. 

No worries, little Milly would learn in time. Little children are allowed to think like little children sometimes.

In time she will also learn that the things one should hope for are not things at all. And sometimes what we can't see is more real than what we can. 

That night Milly's mother realized that one cannot hope for something they already have. That is just as pointless as hoping for something that is not real. 

Hope is an optimistic attitude that causes a person to not give up. Hope gives us the understanding that what is obvious is not all that exists. 
Hope is for people who don't already have an ideal life. Hope promises us a better tomorrow!

So, I guess that is why little Milly didn't have hope. 
Today was a perfect day! 
Hopefully, wonderful memories like this will stay with her so that, when she gets older, and her days aren't so perfect anymore, she will find it easy to hope for better days again. 

Maybe not spaceships and ponies.
 Maybe just cupcakes and soft blankets. 

Beauty and good can always be found, if one looks for them. 
Don't lose hope.

Well, there is the story. Evidently, I have been trying to figure out what hope is and is not.  

Please let me know what you think hope is and if my very random story makes any sense at all.